Zos Chanuka segulah for Parnassah
The last day of Chanukah known as Zos chanukah there are special tefillos to recite and segulos for parnasah on זאת חנוכה. There is a מנהג ספרדים to recite 308 times the פסוק of "שובו שברו לנו מעט...
View ArticleTBL: Who will be Mayor ? Lakewood Township re-organization meeting Tomorrow...
TBL-Monday January 2nd:11:00 am - Reception at the Municipal Building 231 3rd St. 12:00 pm- Township Committee Re-organization meetingWho will the mayor be in the end? Will there be a unanimous vote as...
View ArticleRay Coles Lakewood Mayor for 2017
Democrat Ray Coles from the minority on the Lakewood township committee was sworn in as Mayor of Lakewood, NJ for the year 2017. Committeemen Menashe Miller who served as mayor last year and a...
View ArticleOif Simchas Lakewood Jan 2 2017
-Chasuna: Turkieltaub - Eizikovitz Bas R' Shmuel Leib Ateres Rivka hall at Bais Yaakov 277 James St, Lakewood. -Wedding: Stern-Elefant At Ateres Chana hall-Wedding: Basch- Berliner Fountain ballroom...
View ArticleLPD investigate incident at shooting range
LPD-Just before 4:30 pm, Officers and Detectives responded to the Garden State Pistol Range located on Swarthmore Avenue regarding a shooting victim. Upon arrival emergency personnel learned that...
View ArticleVideo: Lakewood committee re organization 2017
Video: Courtesy of First amendment activist0:40 National anthem 3:00 Invocation 8:00 motion for Ray Coles as Mayor38: 40 Public comments 43:15 major traffic shopping mall coming to Pine street50:25 HH...
View Article$10 million yeshiva grant goes to high court cold have implicions for other...
APP- The ACLU went to court to stop a 10 million dollar grant for Lakewood yeshiva now its going to the high court in NJ APP reports "Millions of dollars of state funding for the nation’s leading...
View ArticleTonight: Lakewood Planning board meeting
Tuesday January 3rd 6:00 - Planning Board meeting see Agenda for more details see HERE by FAA and HERE from TBLPLAN REVIEW ITEMS*1. SD 2181 Cedarwood Hills Homeowners Association Flannery Avenue &...
View ArticleOif Simches Lkwd Jan 3 2017
-Wedding: Werner- Epstein Bais Figa hall-Chasuna: Azrad- Amoyelle Fountain Ballroom-Chasuna: Bernstein-Grunwald at N'eemas Hachaim hall. Lakewood, NJ-Vort: Chosson Elchonon Tzvi Friedman- Kallah, Durst...
View ArticleBOE Reorganization meeting tonight
View ArticleLkwd news Briefs
-Snow! Snow likely Thursday night . Low 27F. Chance of snow 80%. 1 to 3 inches of snow expected.-Shiva for R' Yoel Blumenthal z"l at 72 Buttel Ave bet Williams St & Rose Place, LakewoodShachris:...
View ArticleVideo: זקניך ויאמרו לך
Members of Pine River Village senior community in Lakewood came to the Planning board to discuss a application which will create major traffic on Pine street and disrupt the quality of life to their...
View ArticleOif Simchas Lkwd, NJ Jan,5
Snow update from Lakewood weather HERE-Wedding: Plotzker- Gewartin at Ateres Reva hall-Wedding: Gross- Hertz at Neemas Hachaim hall-Kabolas Panim for Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch at Soncino Drive
View ArticleWhy a democrat was elected to lead a Republican commitee
Posted on FAA blog, in an interview with TVOL Vaad member explains why they picked the Democrat for Lakewood Mayor. “We felt that it doesn’t make a difference if the Township Committee members are...
View ArticleZmanim Lakewood, NJ ערב שבת פרשת ויגש
Friday, January 6, 2017 / ח'טבת תשע"זCandle lighting 4:28 PMShkia 4:46 PMweather Shabbos day Snow during the morning will give way to lingering snow showers during the afternoon. High near 25F. Chance...
View ArticleMelava Malka- weather permitting
-Lakewood received close to 8 inches of snow over shabbos township oficials urging residents to stay off the roads.-Keren Even Habochen Ner Moshe Annual Dinner going on tonight Bais faiga-Coventry shul...
View ArticleAsara B'Teves schools open
The Lakewood boys school will be open today with Friday schedule. No busing in the AM some yeshivos half hour delay.
View ArticleBDE Rav Yosef Strassfeld Z T''L
Kevurah in Lakewood today after 6 pmMatzav- It is with great sadness that Matzav.com reports the passing today of Rav Yosef Strassfeld zt”l, rosh yeshivah of Yeshiva Ohr Simcha of Englewood, NJ. He was...
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