Oif Simches Lakewood, Jan 24, 2017
-Vort Hachosson Simcha Birenbaum ben R' Dudi to Hakallah Hadassah Shachner (Toronto) at Khal Chasidim hall,14th st Lakewood 7:30-11 pm-Vort Hachosson Yisrael Meir Fendel Ben R' Zalman Hillel to...
View ArticleWill Lakewood groceries join BP groceries to get higher commissions from...
Boro Park united grocery association asked Jewish newspapers and magazines to either pay them more or raise the prices, citing recent costly expenses to maintain news stands. The papers have thus far...
View ArticleMasa U'Matan Lakewood Rental List Jan. 25, 2017
Masa U'Matan Lakewood Rental List of Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2017 HERE 17 pages!
View ArticleBais Medrash of Albert elects new Rav
The Albert Avenue shul in Lakewood has elected a new Rav. Rav Aharon Twersky has received over 80 percent of the vote following a proba last shabbos, and will serve as Rav of the kehila. Hachtara...
View ArticleLakewood BOE meeting today
Most of your property tax bill goes to the SCHOOL DISTRICT. get involved follow the spending. LAKEWOOD BOARD OF EDUCATIONPUBLIC MEETING – 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, January 25, 2017REGULAR MEETING 855...
View ArticleEvents, Lakewood Jan 25th 2017
-Wedding: Reifman- Krasnow at Neeimas Hachaim hall Lakewood, NJ-Yartzheit: Divrei Zikaron for Rav Shmuel Barenbaum Zatzal 10:15 at chevra Lomdei Torah 617 5th street Divrei hesped by Harav Yisrael...
View ArticleLkwd News links
-APP:Lakewood PD Victim burned in reported electrical box explosion Yisrael Yitzchok Elimelech ben Chaya for a Refuah Shleima-TLS: Lakewood BOE will not renew contract of school superintendent -NJ...
View ArticleHow long did you sit on Pine street
Submitted.Did anyone else notice, that lately the traffic is even more insane. Sat on Pine Street this morning for almost an hour. Would have bee quicker to commute to Manhattan. Whoever is behind the...
View ArticleYom Kippur Koton minyanim around Lakewood Erev Rosh chodesh shevat
Hearthstone 1:00- 1:45Chateau 1:15Lev Avos 1:20Somerset Walk 1:25kol Aryeh 1:30West gate Kelmwooods 2:45Satmar every bottom of the hour
View ArticlePothole truck filling holes again
A message from Lakewood Chaveirim- In the aftermath of the noreaster please take extra caution while driving on the following roadways: Drake, Ridge, Somerset Kent, Pine, 5th Street between Clifton...
View ArticleLakewood events January 26, 2017
-Chasuna: Karo - Hodgbi at Ateres Reva hall-Parlor meeting: Kollel Keren Avreichim Rav Gleizel at Esther Gerber hall 5th and Madison Lakewood @ 8:00 pm-Parlor meeting:Ezras Achim Yad Henya 637 N....
View ArticleVideo: Hitchhikers in Lakewood
Question: Living in Lakewood New Jersey it is not uncommon to see many young boys hitchhiking. I feel uncomfortable about picking them up for safety reasons. On the other hand, is it rude not to give...
View ArticleLakewood traffic: If we don't take action you won't be able to move
Ocean county Freeholder Jack Kelly said motor vehicle traffic can barely move now and if the freeholder board does not take immediate action, someday soon no one will be able to move at all. The county...
View ArticleFirst Amendment Activist: Live traffic cam Video
First Amendmant Activist blog has Live traffic camera of entrance to Chateu Grand at RT 9 in Lakewood NJ. HERE
View ArticleLakewood Zmanim ערב שבת פרשת וארא שבת ראש חודש שבט
Erev Shabbos Kodesh/Shabbos Rosh Chodesh Shevat Friday, January 27, 2017 / כ"ט טבת תשע"זCandle lighting 4:52 pmShkiah/Sunset 5:10 pmweather-Friday night low of 29 shabbos day Mainly sunny. High 43F....
View ArticleBD''E Rav Yechezkel Moshe Kramer Z''L
Levaya tonight in Lakewood 7th Street chapel 10:00 pm.Matzav.com- It is with great sadness that Matzav.com reports the passing of Rav Moshe Yechezkel Kramer z”l of Monsey. He was 65 years old.Rav Moshe...
View ArticleMelava Malka Lakewood Motzei Shabbos Parshas Vaeira
-Parlor meeting: Yeshiva Meor hatorah 1454 Canturbury Lakewood 8:00 - pm inaugural parlor meeting milchig buffet Azamrah Choir-Melava Malka: B''M Zichron Yoel Lawrence avenue Lakewood 8:15 pm-Yeshiva...
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