-Vort: Hachosson Shmuli Samet to Kallah bas R' Y. Knobel tonight 7:30 pm @ Khal Chassidim 14th street, Lakewood.
-Vort: Hachosson Yitzy Bloch (Monsey) to Hakkalah Hinda Zoberman Bas R' Elkana at Ohr Tuvia R' shachar shul 969 East end avenue, Lakewood 8 pm
-Chasunah: Rayman -Pinter at Ne'emas Hachaim hall, Lakewood
-CHasunah: Landau- Friedman at Lake Terrace hall, Lakewood, NJ
-Wedding: Miller- Rifkind at Ateres CHana Hall at Bais Faiga Lakewood
-Vort: Hachosson Yitzy Bloch (Monsey) to Hakkalah Hinda Zoberman Bas R' Elkana at Ohr Tuvia R' shachar shul 969 East end avenue, Lakewood 8 pm
-Chasunah: Rayman -Pinter at Ne'emas Hachaim hall, Lakewood
-CHasunah: Landau- Friedman at Lake Terrace hall, Lakewood, NJ
-Wedding: Miller- Rifkind at Ateres CHana Hall at Bais Faiga Lakewood