Parents are asked to be patient as busing still not under control
Patience patience, schools and the LSTA are asking frustrated parents to hold out a bit longer as busing issues are worked on. More bids were picked up by bus companies, while some schools are still...
View ArticleLakewood Township ordinance to abolish rent control board is up for second...
After sneaking it in last township committee meeting (here), once again the township is looking to get rid of the rent control board. An Ordinance Of The Township Of Lakewood, County Of Ocean, State Of...
View ArticleLakewood police arrest Swastika suspects
The Lakewood police arrested two teens for the spraying of swastikas and vandalism at a local Jewish school. The vandelism took place during summer break while camp Ahavas Torah of Lakewood was using...
View ArticleOif simches Lakewood, Sep 14, 2016
-Vort: Hachosson Shmuli Samet to Kallah bas R' Y. Knobel tonight 7:30 pm @ Khal Chassidim 14th street, Lakewood.-Vort: Hachosson Yitzy Bloch (Monsey) to Hakkalah Hinda Zoberman Bas R' Elkana at Ohr...
View ArticleThe Bus Blame game
And the blame game begins... school blamesbus company who blamesLSTA who blames theBOE who blames Lakewood township who blames theschool district who blames the state monitor who blamesGov. Christie...
View ArticleLPD: Investigating Video involving school bus and fed Ex truck
Update: School bus Driver fired.A video of a near collision between a bus driver and a fed ex truck in Lakewood was posted on Facebook. The bus appears to pass the truck while the truck swerves left...
View ArticleFeeling the heat township backs off proposal to abolish rent control board
In a rare interview, Lakewood Mayor Menashe Miller tells the Lakewood scoop website, ahead of time, that the township will vote down an Ordinance that just last week they voted to pass. He said the...
View ArticleUpdate: School bus driver fired after road rage incident in Lakewood"The driver was let go last night," a woman answering the phone at Jay's Bus Service said Thursday morning. The woman, who would not give her name, said there were no students on the bus at...
View ArticleAPP keeps peddeling nonsense about Lakewood private schools
APP keeps peddling the same baseless nonsense about Lakewood private schools with claims of not being accredited and therefore schools should not be subject as a recipient of state funding. The paper...
View ArticleLakewood Township to auction lots prior to meeting
Lakewood, NJ land near Oak street and Albert nd VineOn September 15, 2016 at 7:30 P.M. at the Lakewood Township Municipal Building, 231 Third Street, Lakewood, New Jersey, 08701, the Township of...
View ArticleTonight: Lakewood township committee meeting, come down ask tough questions
Lakewood township committee meetingSeptember 15th. Come attend the meeting.-Ask why the township paid the BOE $2 million for public school non mandated courtesy busing but not a penny for private...
View ArticleOif Simches Lkwd
Vort: Chosson Yitzchok Arnstein to Kallah Shira Zheutlin from LA, vort is at 25 Dena court in Lakewood 7 pmChasunah: Keller- Sorotzkin at Lake terrace hallWedding: Adler- Roberts N'eemas Hachaim...
View ArticleVideo: ThatHat store coming soon
ThatHat, quality Italian hats and accessories opening soon at First street and Lexington Ave in Lakewood.
View ArticleMasa Umatan Rental list -Sep 14
The Rental List is a very popular feature in Masa U'Matan Click HERE for the current list.
View ArticleVideo: Zoning board meeting Lakewood, NJ
2:10:10 Motion denied for cross st and Massachusetts duplex mix use Correspondence minutes below submitted via comment. TY1. CORRESPONDENCE3:20- Adam Pfeffer, Esq. requesting variance 2 ½ Ft for the...
View ArticleHachtara of Rav Doniel Neustadt at Pine River Village shul- Nusach Ashkenaz
The hachtara of Rav Doniel Yehuda Neustadt shlita who was appointed as the new rav of the Pine River Village Ashkenaz Shul in Lakewood, NJ will take place this motzei shabbos parshas Ki Seitzei. The...
View ArticleTownship backs off again: Public is now invited to attend master plan meeting
After a reporter walked into a closed session meeting claiming its in violation of the open meetings act the Lakewood township is now inviting the public to a meeting discussing the downtown as it...
View ArticleLakewood Zmanim ערב שבת פרשת כי תצא
Friday, September 16, 2016 / י"ג אלול תשע"וCandle lighting 6:45 pmShkiah at 7:03 pm מפטירין רני עקרה ונם עניה סוערה Shabbos weather Intervals of clouds and sunshine. High 78F. Shabbos Hatzolah In...
View ArticleReport: Attorney, timing of ordinance to abolish Lakewood's Rent Control...
APP reports an attorney representing a client involved in a rental dispute claims the timing of the ordinance to abolish Lakewood's Rent Control Board was a 'nice coincidence' for a landlord involved....
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