-Vort: Hachoson Shlomo Berger is engaged to Kallah Gobbiof from Lakewood! tonight at R' Grubers shul 1014 Lawrence ave, in Lakewood
-Wedding: Kizelnik- Hirsch at Lake Terrace hall, Lakewood, NJ
-Rabbi YY Jacobson words of chizuk and inspiration 8:30 sharp at Bnos Bracha hall 1665 Corperate rd W. Next to Lake terrace. for men
-Kolel Imrei Kohen Lakewood reception 7:30 pm at 6 Van Buren Avenue
-Tag Parlor meeting 24 High street 8:00 pm
-Wedding: Kizelnik- Hirsch at Lake Terrace hall, Lakewood, NJ
-Rabbi YY Jacobson words of chizuk and inspiration 8:30 sharp at Bnos Bracha hall 1665 Corperate rd W. Next to Lake terrace. for men
-Kolel Imrei Kohen Lakewood reception 7:30 pm at 6 Van Buren Avenue
-Tag Parlor meeting 24 High street 8:00 pm