Rabbi YY Jacobson to speak in Lakewood ahead of selichos and yomim Noraim...
Tehilas Chaya Sarah elementary school in conjunction with the Berditchev kloiz of Lakewood invite the community to hear words of inspiration and chizuk for Elul and Yomim Noraim from Rabbi YY Jacobson....
View ArticleAPP: 5 things about Lakewood private busing
APP.com- reporter Mr. Shannon Mullen updates on the new Lakewood private school busing, as it currently stands 3 weeks into the school year. Read more at app.com
View ArticleOif Simches Sep 21 LKWD
Wedding: Gootlieb- Lowy at Ne'emas hachaim hall LakewoodWedding:Glatt- Kleinbart at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood chederShnues -Harav Reuven Feinstein at 609 9th street 7:20 pm
View ArticleUpdated: Did you witness an assault? video
Update: Suspect arrested for bias intimidation HEREReader submitted:I was at an accident today corner of Kennedy blvd and Clifton ave and i witnessed an assault on one of the drivers by the other...
View ArticleLakewood news briefs
Bais Tefilah of Lakewood celebrates siyum on Mishlei after 15 yearswoman sought for recent bias incident of Orthodox teen at Howell Walmart Ocean County Sheriff's Officers car Hits Lakewood...
View Article5 hrs left $200,000 for Lakewood Bais Hora'ah!
Donate HEREAt the Bais Horaah of Lakewood we are proud to host one of the most prominent kollelim worldwide, comprised of outstanding yungerleit learning...
View ArticlePrice Point now open in Lakewood
Quality farmers market renamed, new savings now 6475 Rt 9 North, Howell, NJ
View ArticleForget busing, 3 kids still not accepted to school
We hoped and thought this year would be different. As the busing issue dominates the conversation the wishful thinking was the issue if not getting into School in Lakewood was a thing of the past....
View ArticleOnly in Lakewood! and proud of it
A picture of a item sold in a Lakewood store was posted on a website with the title "Only in Lakewood" as content to mock Lakewood residents who strive for a higher level in ruchniyus. The item was...
View ArticleOif Simches/ Lkwd events Sep 22, 2016
-Vort: Hachoson Shlomo Berger is engaged to Kallah Gobbiof from Lakewood! tonight at R' Grubers shul 1014 Lawrence ave, in Lakewood-Wedding: Kizelnik- Hirsch at Lake Terrace hall, Lakewood, NJ-Rabbi...
View ArticleMoadim L'Simcha new pick up location
The Moadim Lesimcha distribution will take place this Sunday Sept 25th from 3-9 pm at the Lakewood Department of Public Works 1 America way at the corner of Cedarbridge and New Hampshire avenues....
View ArticleParents ask for chizuk in hopes to get their son into school
Its not easy. Not everyone had the right connections and pull to get their child into a school that will best suit their child's needs. In one recent case a parent reached out yesterday to friends in...
View ArticleZmanim for Lakewood area may be different for Jackson, other areas
At this time of year mosdos send out magnets with zmanim for hadlokas neiros and Shkia, sof zman Krias shema etc. As the community grows and residents moved to neighboring towns the zmanim may not be...
View Articleערב שבת פרשת כי תבוא Lakewood Zmanim
Friday, September 23, 2016 / כ'אלול תשע"ו ערב שבת פרשת כי תבואCandle lighting 6:33 Shkia 6:51Weather for shabbos high of 71 partly cloudy.- Rabbi Wosner Satmar Rav from Monsey will spend Shabbos in...
View Articleסליחות Selichos 5776 Motzei Shabbos, Sunday morning Lakewood, NJ
במוצאי מנוחה קדמנוך תחילה-BMG Motzei shabbos Selichos 1:00 am Yoshon b, Bais Aaron, Bais shmuel-Whispering pines: Selichos 12:50-Rabbi Trenk, 817 Central Ave, Lkwd. Shmooze 12:35, Selichos 12:50....
View ArticleLakewood news briefs Sunday 9-25-16
-LSTA update on Lakewood busing for week 4 "We aren’t nearly finished in our efforts to get as many kids as possible on the buses."-Sheriff's officer in Lakewood crash on restricted duty-Boat expo at...
View ArticleVideo: Lakewood Planing board 9- 20- 16
13:30 Oak street master planing board committee moved to next meeting1:50:00 motion denied for Netherwood/ Cross street subdivision 2:33:55 Residents point out issues with proposed shul on Williams...
View ArticleLakewood Township masterplan subcommittee meetings tomorrow and Tuesday
Monday:Please be advised that the Housing Density Subcommittee of the LakewoodTownship Master Plan Committee will be conducting an Executive Meeting onSeptember 26, 2016 at 4:45pm in Room 18 of the...
View ArticleHow did you say (or ask for) Selichos?
I went to shul heard a fiery speech from the Rav, the chazzan began the traditional kadish to the tune of yomim noraim, fathers with sleepy eyed children, old and young were in the audience all asking...
View ArticleOif Simches, Lakewood, NJ Sep 25, 2016
-Vort:Chosson Yechezkel Munk @ the Cohen residence, 1 Rockbridge Rd. Lakewood (Behind Seasons) from 7:30 and on.-Vort: Kallah bas R' Osher Stern tonight in the Gratter building 6:00-9:30.-Vort:...
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