Its not easy. Not everyone had the right connections and pull to get their child into a school that will best suit their child's needs. In one recent case a parent reached out yesterday to friends in an online forum asking for help and chizuk in hopes of finding the right school for their son.
"We are trying to find a for my son who was in Yesodos (formerly oros yisroel) and most of his teachers and therapists feel he is ready for a mainstream school. My son is 7.5 and second grade. All the schools you recommended would not even speak with us, besides for telling us that their resources are only for their existing students who need them, they are not willing to take in new kids for this. We have zero influence, pull, or connections in those schools.
I'm feeling very discouraged and don't know where to go from here.
I appreciate when people throw out names of schools we should try, but anyone who knows anything about what it's like to get a kid into school in Lakewood - particularly a kid with a history of behavioral issues - would know that realistically it's pointless from us to just cold call (not that we haven't done it). Nothing will happen without lots of well-connected people making calls on our behalf, and even that's no guarantee.
I need chizuk that we will find the right place for my son, and they will welcome him and accept him for who he is."
"We are trying to find a for my son who was in Yesodos (formerly oros yisroel) and most of his teachers and therapists feel he is ready for a mainstream school. My son is 7.5 and second grade. All the schools you recommended would not even speak with us, besides for telling us that their resources are only for their existing students who need them, they are not willing to take in new kids for this. We have zero influence, pull, or connections in those schools.
I'm feeling very discouraged and don't know where to go from here.
I appreciate when people throw out names of schools we should try, but anyone who knows anything about what it's like to get a kid into school in Lakewood - particularly a kid with a history of behavioral issues - would know that realistically it's pointless from us to just cold call (not that we haven't done it). Nothing will happen without lots of well-connected people making calls on our behalf, and even that's no guarantee.
I need chizuk that we will find the right place for my son, and they will welcome him and accept him for who he is."