I went to shul heard a fiery speech from the Rav, the chazzan began the traditional kadish to the tune of yomim noraim, fathers with sleepy eyed children, old and young were in the audience all asking for forgiveness as we get ready for the Yom Hadin. When it was over we went home. There were no photographers, no guitars, no organ, no cello, no musical instruments, no dancing, no entertainment, no carlebach nusach no kumzitz. It was a simple selichos recital seen in many shuls across the world the way it was done last year, and the year before, with the authentic nusach. But you wont see a video of it on the websites because its just perhaps too old fashioned or not newsworthy. Not here to take away or make light of what others do but we have become a man bites dog society.