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Lakewood Deputy Mayor Akerman sends letter to masterplan committee about density


Take Back Lakewood has obtained the letter that was sent from A. Akerman which reads as follows:

From: "Albert Akerman" <aakerman@lakewoodni .gov>
Date: Oct 27, 2016 1:06 PM
Subject: Master Plan
To: "Justin Flancbaum" 
Although we have discussed this issue on numerous occasions over the past few weeks, I am sending this email to formally convey the township committee's opinion on density as it pertains to the master plan.
At our last committee meeting, the committee unanimously voted for me to inform you that we are against any increased density for Lakewood. As you prepare your recommendations for the committee, please ensure that the proposed master plan does not include increased density for any zone in Lakewood.
Thank you,

At the 10/6/16 Township Committee meeting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCj7_0DlDQQ at minute 24:38, Mayor Miller made the following announcement:

“As far as I’m concerned – my message out there – I’m done with all the density – I’m done with any additional rezoning – as far as I’m concerned under my watch as the mayor there is not going to be any rezoning from this committee – I defer to the master plan committee – but I think the sentiment out there is that we’re at capacity. We’re really at capacity and I kind of agree with you.”

See also from minute 35:00 until the end where the committee voiced an opposition to further density in Lakewood. 

At 39:30 a motion was unanimously passed instructing committeeman Akerman to send a letter to Justin Flancbaum instructing him as to how they would like the master plan be constructed. At the subsequent Township Committee Meeting, Committeeman Akerman was instructed to circulate this letter to all of the members of the Planning Board and the Master plan committee and subcommittees. 

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