An article in The Voice of Lakewood discusses the Traffic situation in Lakewood. Residents from across town were interviewed about the traffic in their areas. Township officials too, gave their two cents, but ignored and left out the real factors, instead, they blame the state the county or other govt red tape. No one took blame for vacating streets that were designed to have a proper grid with streets leading into one another. No one mentioned the through streets that were closed off such as Arlington, Kennedy, streets off Pine and Oak that should have been open to through traffic. No one mentioned that high density that is adding thousands of cars to streets that are not built for it. No one mentioned that the much needed light by Pine street and MLK should be put up, or the traffic light that's already installed on Pine and Avenue of the states is still not activated because of special interest. But, we are told that our elected officials are working very hard and doing all they can to alleviate the problem. Its typical political double talk pretend you care while you look the other way and blame others for what you have created.