Meleva Malka Motzei shabbos Parshas Vayeira 5777
-Melava Malka Yeshiva Aderes Hatorah of Yerushalayim Rabbi Senter's Yeshiva at 1460 Walden Ct, Lakewood, 8:00 pm-Bnos Melava Malka for 5th 6th 7th grade girls in Lakewood at Esther Gerber hall 7:30-...
View ArticleHail storm in Lakewood as cold front moves in, NWS issues wind advisory
What a difference a few hours make. From a gorgeous shabbos afternoon weather in the mid 60's temps plummeted to the 30's with a hail storm and possible mix of rain and snow. The National weather...
View ArticleHowell mayor- "absolutely disgusting comments made on social media" about...
From Howell Mayor William Gotto isn't happy about "absolutely disgusting" comments he said were made on social media about a controversial affordable housing project owned by an Orthodox Jewish...
View ArticleSunday events Lakewood
-Bnos of Lakewood all girls Primary- 4th grade at Lakewood high school 855 Somerset $15 membership.UST PAY $3 dollars more if you pay at the door for yearly membership!!!-Mens Health screening event at...
View ArticleTonight: Kvias mezuzhah at new Bobov- 45 shteeble in Lakewood with the Rebbe
Bobbov-45 Rebbi will be in Lakewood tonight for Kvias Meziza & L'Chaim at 6:30 in The New Shteeble. BOBOV ~ 45
View ArticleOif Simches Lakewood Nov 20, 2016
-Vort: Chosson Moshe Dovid Levin (JD) to Kallah Leah Cohen!! Vort at Cohen home 1120 Somerset Ave from 5-8 pm.-Chasunah: Bergmann-Helmreich wedding at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood cheder Kabolas...
View ArticleHatzolah of Lakewood phone lines are down call Police in case of emergency
Updated: Phone Lines are now back up and operational Hatzolah lines in Lkwd are down. If you have an emergency, call 732-363-0200 and dial 0, Police dept will connect you to hatzolah.
View ArticleLakewood township now encouraging public to attend masterplan committee...
It was in mid July when a reporter (here)walked in on a subcommittee meeting that was taking place in private and refused to leave when asked to. The reporter told the committee they are violating...
View ArticleSnaps photo Contest extended through this week
Snaps Photo Contest extended through this week:"Snap" a photo and you could win a $50 gift certificate to Snap's Kosher in Lakewood, NJWe want to test your photography skills, so we're giving away $50...
View ArticleOif Simches Lakewood Nov 21 16
-Vort: Hachosson Elya Melamed ben R' Yisrael Meir to Hakalla Miri Blumenfeld at Ateres Yeshaya hall from 6 to 9 PM-Vort: Hachooson Yossi Reidel to Kallah Blumenkrantzat R' Gissenger hall-Chasunah:...
View ArticleRare manuscript published in honor of a chasunah in Lakewood
At a wedding last night in Lakewood guests received a special gift. A sefer was published in honor of the simcha, based on an extremely rare manuscript of Rabbi Moses Isserles' (The Rama) Haggaaos to...
View ArticleMeeeting today: Senior community needs subcommitee
Please be advised that the Senior Community Needs Subcommittee of theLakewood Township Master Plan Committee will be conducting meeting onNovember 22, 2016 at 11:00am in Room 18 of the Lakewood...
View ArticleOfficials shift blame on Lakewood traffic
An article in The Voice of Lakewood discusses the Traffic situation in Lakewood. Residents from across town were interviewed about the traffic in their areas. Township officials too, gave their two...
View ArticleLakewood residents get reassessment letters Property Taxes shoot up
Lakewood homeowners received their new tax bill following the reassessment and shockingly but not surprisingly Taxes have gone up a significant amount. Homes were assessed to reflect current market...
View ArticleOif Simches Nov 22 Lkwd
-Vort: Hachoson Pinchos Gelb to Kallah Bas R' Noach Leshinsky at River Terrace 1094 River Avenue Lakewood-Vort: Hachosson Shlomo Zalman Ellinson to Kallah Lederer at the Bais Horaah 4th And Madison,...
View ArticleVideo- Answering the Skeptics what does Agudah do
Answering the Skeptics: Why We Need A Strong Agudah! from Agudath Israel Helping busing in Lakewood..Many still without bussing!!
View ArticleMasa U'Matan Lakewood Rental List Nov. 23, 2016
Masa U'Matan Lakewood Rental List of Wednesday, Nov. 23, 2016 HERE 17 pages!
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