Seventeen years ago, Rabbi YZK and his wife, then a young kollel couple, welcomed their firstborn son into the world. The joy they felt was indescribable. But very shortly after they learned that young K had develemental disabilities. Instead of dwelling on this apparent misfortune, Rabbi YZK and his wife rededicated themselves to the new nisayon they were presented with.
When it came time to send their son to yeshiva, a new challenge arose. Due to the complex combination of his social, emotional, behavioral and learning disabilities, no Lakewood school could accommodate him. Sending him to New York every day was not an option. Seeing no other alternative, in 2006 rabbi YZK founded Yeshiva Oros Yisroel to serve the special needs of his son and any other children with similar challenges.
His dedication to the school, the students and their parents, is simply legendary. In order to save the school money, he would even perform much of the school’s maintenance on his own. And, as everyone knows, the costs of a first class private education for children with multi challenges is extraordinarily high. But Rabbi YZK was undeterred; the children in the school needed to be taught, and he took the debt the school was accruing onto his own shoulders.
Now, his son has graduated from his school and is enrolled in a Mesivta which is well equipped to serve the special needs of K. But Rabbi YZK and his wife still have to pay the tuition there – which, at a reduced price, is still $30,000 a year. They also have an incredible amount of debt which built up over the years from their school and from other expenses associated with their son’s disability.
Dealing with a child with multible dissabilities is never easy for parents, and neither is it easy on the other children. But friends and neighbors can attest to how all eleven children in the K family are dealt with as though they are the only ones that matter to their parents. Despite the extra challenges, an disabled child presents, Rabbi YZK and his wife don’t ever allow their other children to feel neglected.
Please open your heart, and help this extraordinary couple, who spent the last 9 years dedicating themselves to helping other people who faced similar challenges. Help them continue to educate their son, and help them get out from under the crushing burden their debts present them. In that z’chus, may you be zoche to only see nachas from your own children.
Seventeen years ago, Rabbi YZK and his wife, then a young kollel couple, welcomed their firstborn son into the world. The joy they felt was indescribable. But very shortly after they learned that young K had develemental disabilities. Instead of dwelling on this apparent misfortune, Rabbi YZK and his wife rededicated themselves to the new nisayon they were presented with.
When it came time to send their son to yeshiva, a new challenge arose. Due to the complex combination of his social, emotional, behavioral and learning disabilities, no Lakewood school could accommodate him. Sending him to New York every day was not an option. Seeing no other alternative, in 2006 rabbi YZK founded Yeshiva Oros Yisroel to serve the special needs of his son and any other children with similar challenges.
His dedication to the school, the students and their parents, is simply legendary. In order to save the school money, he would even perform much of the school’s maintenance on his own. And, as everyone knows, the costs of a first class private education for children with multi challenges is extraordinarily high. But Rabbi YZK was undeterred; the children in the school needed to be taught, and he took the debt the school was accruing onto his own shoulders.
Now, his son has graduated from his school and is enrolled in a Mesivta which is well equipped to serve the special needs of K. But Rabbi YZK and his wife still have to pay the tuition there – which, at a reduced price, is still $30,000 a year. They also have an incredible amount of debt which built up over the years from their school and from other expenses associated with their son’s disability.
Dealing with a child with multible dissabilities is never easy for parents, and neither is it easy on the other children. But friends and neighbors can attest to how all eleven children in the K family are dealt with as though they are the only ones that matter to their parents. Despite the extra challenges, an disabled child presents, Rabbi YZK and his wife don’t ever allow their other children to feel neglected.
Please open your heart, and help this extraordinary couple, who spent the last 9 years dedicating themselves to helping other people who faced similar challenges. Help them continue to educate their son, and help them get out from under the crushing burden their debts present them. In that z’chus, may you be zoche to only see nachas from your own children.