Lakewood officials concede, not ready for busing chaos
Hundreds packed town hall last night in Lakewood (see video here) according to a report in "Township officials concede they aren’t prepared for the chaos looming later this month when some...
View Articleמשנכנס אדר מרבין בשמחה
Shabbos Mevorchim Chodesh Adar ICandle lighting 5:02 Shkiah 5:20Rosh Chodesh will be next week Tuesday/Wednesday - February 9/10
View ArticleMelava Malka Motzei shabbos parshas Mishpatim
1. Tomchei Shabbos of Lakewood annual Dinner Bais faiga hall Reception 8:30 program 9:30 Meshoirerim choir and Dudi Knopfler.2. Telz Clevland alumni Melava malka at Rav Forcheimers shul 5th street bet...
View ArticleAre we that stupid?
Photoshop, "involves transforming or altering a photograph using various methods and techniques in order to achieve desired results. Some photo manipulations are considered skillful artwork while...
View ArticleLakewood Chaveirim place cones in potholes across town
VIDEO: Chaveirim members placing cones in large potholes that r causing flats, as DPW gets to repair them.— Lakewood Chaveirim (@LkwdChaveirim) February 7,...
View ArticleHelp a Lakewood family with a special needs child
DONATE HERESeventeen years ago, Rabbi YZK and his wife, then a young kollel couple, welcomed their firstborn son into the world. The...
View ArticleLawyer to plead courtesy busing case
A Lawyer was retained to plead the case to continue courtesy busing at least to the end of the year. First, the state committed to provide busing so long as the district committed to staggering times...
View ArticleReport: Lakewood special ed official fired for satisfying orthodox parents reports The Lakewood school district alleged she ordered placements to satisfy Orthodox Jewish parents and rabbis. The report claims the state-appointed arbitrator has fired suspended school...
View ArticleRosh Chodesh Adar 1
משנכנס אדר מרבין בשמחהראש חודש אדר א שני בערב שלישי ורבעי,שנזכה לשמוח ולשמח בימים אלו הבאים עלינו לטובה, ולמשוך מהם שמחה לכל השנה כולה.
View ArticleTeam Rubio for president to hold event in Lakewood today
Tue Feb 09, 2016 South Jersey Volunteer Meetup 7:00 PM The Pizano's1715 Clifton Ave, Lakewood, NJ 08701The Marco Rubio New Jersey Team will be having an event to bring local volunteers up to speed on...
View ArticleWinter storm downgraded across NJ
Very little snow, if any, has fallen across New Jersey and the National Weather Service has downgraded a winter storm warning.The snow expected to fall in southern and central New Jersey today and...
View ArticleRenewal Kidney transplants taking place now
Donor: wishes to remain anonymous Recipient: Aron Yirmiyahu ben Hinda The donor is a man from Lakewood, NJ who never met the recipient yet and wished to do this mitzvah without any recognition. B"H,...
View ArticleHashovas Aveidah
A Lakewood, NJ resident claimed this hat that was left at the TSA checkpoint in Newark airport a few weeks ago. TSA rep posted this update.
View Article3 inches of snow expected overnight
Although it showed up later than expected, Monmouth and Ocean counties will see up to 3 inches of snow overnight and into early morning hours Wednesday. Snow started coming down steadily late in the...
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