Channel: Hefkervelt
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Melava Malka Motzei Shabbos Bshalach Lakewood, NJ 5777

-Tomchei Shabbos annual Dinner Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga reception 8:30  Program 9:30 Divrei Bracha R''Y Rav Malkiel Kotler Guest speaker Rav Yosef  Mermelstein featuring zemiros by Shmully Unger & Meshorerim choir
-Yeshiva Gedolah Mishkan HaTorah Alumni Melava Malka  Madison Manor 8:30 
-Yeshiva Ner Yisrael Baltimore annual Lakewood alumni Melava Malka 9:45 pm    at Sons of Israel  590 Madison Avenue
-Zichron Chana Leah parlor meeting 22 Kelmwoods Westgate 8:15 pm
-Hearthstone shul expansion Melava Malka 8:45 pm in shul Guest speaker - R' Shimon Alster
-Chesterfield commons Night kollel's annual Melava Malka in conjunction with  siyum hashas 8:15 Guest speaker R' Yitzchok Koslowitz
-Kosher Village Melava Malka Hot fresh bagels  open 7:30- 10:30
-Bais Kaila high school production
-shiur by Rav Chaim Weg at Bais Havaad 105 River Ave Suite 301 
-Costume closeouts  purim open tonight 8-11 at Target plaza rt 9 Howell

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