Evergreen kosher come get some Tu Bshvat fruit
Open! Come visit our NEW Lakewood store at 945 River Avenue - and discover the many reasons that shoppers have always loved our Monsey location. We look forward to serving you! Follow us and stay tuned...
View ArticleOif simchas Lakewood Feb 9th 2017
-Chasuna: Shef- Klein Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga-Chasuna: Yarkoni- Goldberger Ateres Reva hall 500 sommer Ave, Lakewood, NJ-Wedding: Celnik- Cohen at Lake Terrace hall-Wedding: Tzorfati- Reinhorn at...
View ArticleNo transportation to school tomorrow
No busing? no big deal Lakewood went without busing for 4 months and over 1500 kids still have no busing.Call the snow number for transportation to school tomorrow morning. Lakewood cheder will have no...
View ArticleTehillim
Please daven and say Tehillim for רוחמה מלכה בריינדל בת שיינה שיפרה Ruchama Malka Breindel is a seven year-old girl who resides in Lakewood, NJ. She now has cancer for the fifth time Lo Aleinu. Last...
View ArticleFREEZING temps tonight in Lakewood
No, not that freezing, not the snow or cold weather but the door to the Lakewood freezer will open as Tu Bshvat is the unofficial day when new Bochurim start the parsha of shidduchim. The official...
View ArticleHow long did you sit in traffic this morning
The commute to work school yeshiva took over an hour this morning through Lakewood. Pine street was backed up so was Oak street Cross street and rt 9. Buses who were supposed to come didn't show up...
View Articleערב שבת פרשת בשלח שבת שירה ט''ו בשבט zmanim for Lakewood
Friday, February 10, 2017 / י"ד שבט תשע"זCandle lighting- 5:09 pmshkia- 5:27 pm- Tu Bshvat fruit at Gingerbread house large selection. -Tu Bishvat Shabbos shira Tish at Sterling Forest shul Friday...
View ArticleTu B'shvat or Krias Yam Suf
Playgroup morahs in Lakewood had a tough chinuch question this past week. Between midwinter break and the snow storm the kids only showed up to playgroup for a day and a half. The morahs were faced...
View ArticleMelava Malka Motzei Shabbos Bshalach Lakewood, NJ 5777
-Tomchei Shabbos annual Dinner Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga reception 8:30 Program 9:30 Divrei Bracha R''Y Rav Malkiel Kotler Guest speaker Rav Yosef Mermelstein featuring zemiros by Shmully Unger...
View ArticleVideo: Lakewood Planning board Feb 7, 2017
1:02:00 Board votes down county line redevelopment1:36:00 Board shuts down public comment prior to passing application for Oak street Lots2:30:00 FAA speaks shutting down public comments can be serious...
View ArticlePhotos: At The Tomchei shabbos Dinner in Lakewood
Photo credit @ShimmyLevyPhoto Credit @ShimmyLevy music
View ArticleMore than spin
The article "spotlight on Cedarbridge" was posted and printed in several newspapers and websites over the weekend. TBL gave a strong rebuttal to the misinformation and factual errors throughout the...
View ArticleAPP: On Lakewood growth
1800 homes proposed at Eagle Ridge Golf course many other areas asking for large approvals B"H we are growing and need housing but without proper infrastructure and a affordability it dosent help the...
View ArticleCostume Closeouts Lakewood now open for Purim
שלשים יום קודם New location at Target Plaza 4813 Rt 9 Howell
View ArticleOif Simches/Events Lakewood Feb 12, 2017
-Vort: Choson Yisroel Mordechei ben R' Tovia Rosenberg To Kallah bas R' Chananya Spitz at Ateres Yeshaya 908 East County Line rd.-Vort: Hachoson Eliyohu Bloch at 205 powderhorn Lakewood 7:00 - 10:00...
View ArticleAudio: Cedarbridge Yiddish interview on Kol Mevaser
Cedarbridge interview on Kol Mevaser in Yiddish listen HERECourtesy of First Amendment activist
View ArticleLakewood Township approving digital Billboards around Lakewood
There is a resolution on the agenda for This Wednesday where they plan on re-approving 5 digital billboards throughout Lakewood. Much rumors and speculation why suddenly the township is approving it...
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