Take Back Lakewood Lakewood Weekly Column Issue 9
News Tidbits
Many problems have been found with the CAFRA application requesting 936 homes and 936 basements on the Eagle Ridge Golf course. Over 600 letters were sent to the NJ DEP requesting a public hearing. Mayor Coles said that he has no intention of allowing that many homes to be built there.
It has come to our attention that the township committee may have made many zoning changes without sending notice to properties within 200 feet. We have requested proof of notice (if any) for a list of changes and once we determine which ones were supposed to be noticed and weren't we will proceed with legal action to have those changes declared null and void.
A new CAFRA application was just filed for 222 residences within 6 apartment buildings, a 2 story retail and office unit and a 2 story shul in industrial park near the airport and near the other recent CAFRA application for 263 homes.
There will be a planning board meeting on Tuesday Feb. 21 at 6:00. It includes 4 Oak Street applications, and 8 items for public hearings including one for 12 lots on Netherwood Drive.
The Master Plan Subcommittee for Housing Density will have a meeting on Tuesday Feb. 28 at 6:00. Everyone is urged to attend to ensure that no new density is proposed in the masterplan.
News Tidbits
Many problems have been found with the CAFRA application requesting 936 homes and 936 basements on the Eagle Ridge Golf course. Over 600 letters were sent to the NJ DEP requesting a public hearing. Mayor Coles said that he has no intention of allowing that many homes to be built there.
It has come to our attention that the township committee may have made many zoning changes without sending notice to properties within 200 feet. We have requested proof of notice (if any) for a list of changes and once we determine which ones were supposed to be noticed and weren't we will proceed with legal action to have those changes declared null and void.
A new CAFRA application was just filed for 222 residences within 6 apartment buildings, a 2 story retail and office unit and a 2 story shul in industrial park near the airport and near the other recent CAFRA application for 263 homes.
There will be a planning board meeting on Tuesday Feb. 21 at 6:00. It includes 4 Oak Street applications, and 8 items for public hearings including one for 12 lots on Netherwood Drive.
The Master Plan Subcommittee for Housing Density will have a meeting on Tuesday Feb. 28 at 6:00. Everyone is urged to attend to ensure that no new density is proposed in the masterplan.