Oif Simches / Events Lakewood Feb 20
-Chasuna: Felder wedding at N'eemas Hachaim hall-Dinner: Meoros Bais Yaakov Ateres Chana hall Bais faiga 7:30 pm-Parlor Meeting: Mesivta Shar HaTorah (Rav Pashkes, Rav Hamburger) at 54 Arosa Hill,...
View ArticleTBL weekly column
Take Back Lakewood Lakewood Weekly Column Issue 9News TidbitsMany problems have been found with the CAFRA application requesting 936 homes and 936 basements on the Eagle Ridge Golf course. Over 600...
View ArticleJersey City considers No Knock registry for aggressive realtors
Photo: @Avi_schnallFrom NJ.com The City Council will consider a "no knock" law aimed at aggressive real estate investors this week, with council members saying the measure will protect longtime...
View ArticleTonight: Lakewood Planning board meeting
Lakewood Planning Board meeting Tuesday, February 21, 2017 6:00 - 9:00 pmTownship Agenda HERE see full detailed agenda at First Amendment Activist websiteTake back Lakewood Review HEREApplication #...
View ArticleOif Simches Lakewood, Feb 21
-Vort: Hachosson Avromi Silver to Kallah bas R' Yigal Goldberg at the Westgate Simcha hall 8:00 pm.- chasuna: Hakimi- Davidi at Ateres Reva hall, Lakewood, NJ- Evening of support for those...
View ArticleVideo: Election commission neeting
The LFD elections was declared a tie between two candidates for the second seat. While the vaad said to vote yes for the budget, it was voted down by the taxpayers. See Minute 21:30 Someone questioned...
View ArticleLoitzk Rebbe to spend a week in Lakewood
The Loitzk rebbe shlita is iy"h arriving today in the afternoon and will be staying for a week. For Kabolas Kohol call 3474718714. The rebbe will be staying at 968 W Kennedy, Blvd. A big shabbos is...
View ArticleLSTA parents of non mandated kids must pay up
Parents whose kids are getting courtesy non mandated busing were asked to pay up the $150 per child fee for the LSTA. A point of contention since the Township paid the full courtesy buying costs for...
View ArticleHamodia: Lakewood Township Adjusts Process for Approval of New Construction
More talk from politicians, traffic and congestion continues, master plan committee stacked with developers and keeps dragging on while projects continue with no infrastructure. Hamodia- LAKEWOOD -...
View ArticleOif Sinchas Lakewood, NJ Feb 22, 2017
-Vort: Hachosson Shimshy Schon to Hakallah Tippy Shapiro bas R' Yisrael Meir R Ravens Raber Shul 618 Caranetta, Lakewood, NJ 8:00 pm-Vort: Hachosson Aron Bloch (Monsey) To kallah bas R' Shneur Jacobs...
View ArticleThe Bennett center 263 units near
CAFRA permit for 51 Duplexes 110 Townhouses on the Lakewood Border between Airport rd and the GSP courtesy of First Amendmant ActivistTOWNSHIP OF LAKEWOOD NOTICE OF CAFRA STATE PERMIT APPLICATION TAKE...
View ArticleNJ Gov race heats up Guadagno accuses Murphy
NJ. com Republican gubernatorial frontrunner Kim Guadagno took to Twitter late Tuesday to accuse Democratic front-runner Phil Murphy of comparing President Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler three months...
View ArticleYom Kippur Katan Tikkun Shovavm Minyanim in Lakewood
Rosh Chodesh Adar is Sunday and MondayMinyanim for and Mincha Yom Kippur Katan today Lev Avos 1:20Somerset Walk 1:25Alumnai 1:45Kol shimshon 1:45Shovavim selichos without Mincha 2:50 at 613 Madison...
View ArticleOne of 6 winning match 4 Powerball tickets sold in Lakewood
Patch-Somebody in Indiana won the Feb. 22 Powerball jackpot, the 10th largest in the game's history, while a Match 5 winner with Power Play for $2 million was sold in New Jersey.The winning Powerball...
View ArticleOif Simchas- Events, Lakewood Feb 23, 2017
-Vort: Hachosson Yerucham Bakst Ben Rav Meir Simcha to Kallah Bas R' Avraham Nachman Leshinsky Grandaughter Of R"Y Reb Yerucham Olshin at yeshiva Ktana Hall, Lakewood 8:00 pm-Vort: Hachosson Chaim...
View ArticleLakewood sales
-Today and tomorrow in Lakewood stores Welch's Manischewitz grape juice with the heimish hechsher for a$1.99 plus a rebate of a dollar fifty online comes down that you are paying $0.49 a bottle.-Sushi...
View ArticleTurx to AlJezzira on Trump, "I've always felt that we had this mutual...
AJN Before President Donald Trump's infamous 76-minute press conference on February 16, Jake Turx was a relatively unknown Washington reporter for Ami magazine.But that changed dramatically when Turx,...
View ArticleVideo: Lakewood Development corperation
LDC Director (Daughter of committeemen Delia) will be leaving and taking a position to head the newly created HR department for the township. Minute 17:00 FAA asks committee why the LDC and LIC can...
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