Channel: Hefkervelt
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Report: Website owner joins the Lakewood Vaad

First amendment activist reports owner of Lakewood scoop website has joined the vaad and is its newest member.  If true , this is very indicative of the vaads motives to stay in power at all costs. To represent a select few, ignore the residents and silence taxpayers who have very ligament concerns. The self appointed vaad promised to revamp and set up a ichud  rabbonim who will guide them.  Turns out it was all talk and now as their is a threat to their power all they do us resort to propaganda and shamelessly call frum upstanding residents who are alumni of BMG, as unqualified.  Actions prove louder than words.  The Vaad was AWOL for the last 15 years it's time to stop the Gneivas Daas of unassuming Residents Who waste hours all day sitting in traffic, Can't afford their taxes and take advantage of them with scare tactics to keep the developers and we'll connected ones in power.

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