Turx: Why Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump have a Heter to be mechalel Shabbos
SourceIn an interview with an Israeli website White house correspondent Jake Turx explains the heter for Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump to desecrate the shabbos. President Trump relies heavily on their...
View ArticleA disturbing incident
Submitted.A disturbing incident occurred last week. A lakewood elementary girls school went on a Lag B'aomer trip to Staten Island. At a certain point perhaps the bus was rowdy the bus driver pulled...
View Articleערב שבת פרשת במדבר ראש חודש סיון Lakewood Zmanim
Friday, May 26, 2017 / א'סיון תשע"זCandle lighting 7:57Shkia: 8:15 pmBMG Shabbos shel Chizuk KZY: Harav Chaim Weg will be speaking for the ladies this Shabbos at 5:15 in Shul Ezras Noshim.Philly...
View ArticleEvents / Simchas Lakewood May 28 א'נשא
-Bnos Banquet at the Gratter building 100 Park avenue $5 members 8$ non members 2:00-4:00 pm-Pre shavuos Halacha shiur for women 36 Glen Avenue 8:00- 8:45 pm by BMG Posek Harav Moshe Zev...
View ArticleWith Surplus Money, Why is Township not paying for private school kids
The LSTA is charging parents of private schools $150 per child if they are not eligible for mandated busing. Its what we call courtesy busing and parents must pay the fee. On the flip side Lakewood...
View ArticleShivti Limud for Shavuos Night
Mitzvas Kesivas Sefer Torahשמחין כנתינתן This Shavuos Stay Focused and Awakeמצות כתיבת ספר תורהThe perfect limud for Shavuos night and the extended weekend Sure to keep you focused and alert all night...
View ArticleMemorial Day: Lakewood Parade cancelled, No BOE Busing
-LPD: We regret to inform you that tomorrow's Memorial Day Parade is cancelled due the anticipated foul weather.-If you have Lakewood Board of Education buses contracted through the LSTA please note...
View ArticleS.S.S.S. of Lakewood To Host Military appreciation luncheon on Memorial Day
South Side Sandwich Shop and Smokehouse (SSSS & S) a Kosher restaurant in Lakewood will be hosting a military appreciation luncheon tomorrow (rain or shine) Memorial day from about 12:30pm till...
View ArticleTBL- Nepotism favortism, time for old guard to step aside vote new candidates...
Take Back Lakewood- Earlier this year, Lakewood Township created a new position - Director Of Human Resources. It was a new position - created solely to give the position to a specific person - Trish...
View ArticlePhoto:MK meets Lakewood inventor of Warning Device to Prevent Child Car Deaths
New requirements aimed at ending the epidemic of small children forgotten and left to die in cars, United Torah Judaism Knesset member Uri Maklev, who heads the Science and Technology committee in the...
View ArticleKuntres Yoreach L' Moadim released ahead of Shavuos
The Kuntress is a sampler of a future sefer in a series on Yomim Tovim By the Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva Harav Yeruchem Olshin Shlita.
View ArticleLakewood BOE special meeting tomorrow 8:00 am
The Lakewood Board of Education will conduct a Special Meeting, on Tuesday, May 30, 2017 at 8:00 a.m. in the Auditorium located at the Lakewood High School, 855 Somerset Avenue, Lakewood, New Jersey...
View ArticleReport: Website owner joins the Lakewood Vaad
First amendment activist reports owner of Lakewood scoop website has joined the vaad and is its newest member. If true , this is very indicative of the vaads motives to stay in power at all costs. To...
View ArticleOif Simchas/events Lakewood May 29 Erev Shavuos
היום תשעה וארבעים יום שהם שבעה שבועות לעומר-Chasuna: Sperka- Weinreb Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga -Stamford meadows pre Yom Tov Shiur by R' Yaakov Perlstein on Halachos...
View ArticleFlowers for Shavuos Locations around Lakewood
(Remember to buy Yizkor Lecht if needed)-Pearl Blau learning center erev Shavuos Flowers at BMG botei medrashim, NPGS, Feldmans grocery, Corner of 2nd, Mikva-Flowers at 6520 Route 9 next to capital...
View ArticleFAA: Vaad Support Letter חד גדיא
http://firstamendmentactivist.blogspot.com/2017/05/lakewood-roshei-yeshivah-support-vaad.html#moreבאנו בזה לחזק את ידי הוועד של לייקווד העומדים על המשמר בהרבה עניינים, ובעיקר בענין המועמדים ונציגי...
View ArticleClarifying Misinformation: Vaad Shamelessly Takes Credit For Hard Work...
Posted by TakebacklakewoodAmid much misinformation, it is critical that a few points are clarified:See the misinformation article #1 here.For the first time ever, the VAAD has felt is necessary to...
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