Lakewood Hosing Authority (LHA) explaining that tuition for higher education is not counted as income per HUD guidelines. Pleasd note it May not be the same with other social programs.
From the minutes of a previous LHA meeting.
"Parental support for higher education is not counted as household income and the LHA never counts it as income. The LHA does not count parental support, scholarships, Kollel checks or qualified higher education tuition as income. However parental support for private schooling of minors is not higher education and that support is counted as income."
From the minutes of a previous LHA meeting.
"Parental support for higher education is not counted as household income and the LHA never counts it as income. The LHA does not count parental support, scholarships, Kollel checks or qualified higher education tuition as income. However parental support for private schooling of minors is not higher education and that support is counted as income."