Lakewood Zmanim ערב שבת פרשת בא
Friday, January 19, 2018 / ג׳ שבט תשע״ח לייקווד-Candle lighting: 4:42 pm-Shkiah 5:00 pm-Weather for shabbos day mostly Sunny high of 50
View ArticleMotzei Shabbos Parshas Bo 5778 Lakewood
-Melava Malka -Mesivta Ohr Chaim Meir annual Dinner at Bnos Devorah hall, 360 Oak Street 8:30 pm- Yeshiva Birchas Chaim Melava Malka/ Parlor meeting at 52 Rosell Court, Lakewood, NJ 8:15 pm-B'M...
View ArticleJersey’s new gov charts familiar course to Disaster
NYP- New Jersey’s new Democratic governor, Phil Murphy, wants to move his state back to the future — or, more accurately, to the past. The dismal past, that is, of such predecessors as Jim Florio, Jim...
View ArticleYated: Former Lakewood Planning Member: Everything I did was solely for the...
Yated Ne'eman: Sources within the township say Mr. Louie Follman was not reappointed because of his assertive stance on the Master Plan. Mr. Follman told the Yated:"I was very involved in making sure...
View ArticleTehillim for Gezeiras Giyus Banos in BMG
Tehillim will be recited today in all botei Medrashim of Bais Medrash Govoha in Lakewood due to proposed changes in the deferements for girls pertaining to the Draft law. There is serious concern the...
View ArticleOif Simchas Lakewood Sunday January 21, 2018
-Vort: Hachosson to Hakallah Faigy Leiman bas R' Nechemia at Shemen L'mincha 2 Milano Drive, Lakewood 7:30 pm-Vort: Hachosson Yehuda Zev Gutman to Hakallah Bas R' Yisroel Chaim Blumenthal at 26...
View ArticleStatement from Passaic- Clifton Kashrus Regarding Jin Restaurant
January 19, 2018. See letter below.Effective January 8, 2018 PCK suspended its supervision of Jin restaurant located at 227 Main Avenue in Passaic, NJ pending investigations of whether the amount of...
View ArticleWhen is Tuition counted as income
Lakewood Hosing Authority (LHA) explaining that tuition for higher education is not counted as income per HUD guidelines. Pleasd note it May not be the same with other social programs. From the minutes...
View Articleחסידישע ישוב takes off in Linden, NJ
A new kehilla is moving into Linden, NJ yesterday was the Kvias Mezuzah at the Bais Medrash located at 130 Harvard street. The Kosson Rebbe from Boro Park Rav Yosef meir Rottenberg plans to relocate...
View ArticleOif Simchas Lakewood January 22, 2018
Chasuna: Suchy- Gordon Ateres Chana hall-Chasuna: Enock- Prusky at Ne'emas Hachaim hall Lakewood, NJ
View ArticleGoing to Orlando for Mid Winter break check out This Website
Rabbiorlando.orgThis site was created so that any Jew, from any walk of life, could know all the resources available to them. We’ve hired someone to be your personal concierge – free. I fell in love...
View Articleכי סגולה מיוחדת לפרנסה לומר את פרשת המן, שניים מקרא ואחד תרגום, ביום שלישי...
סגולה לפרנסה לומר בכל יום את פרשת המן. עניין זה מוזכר כבר ב'ארבעה טורים' (אורח חיים סי'שא - 'טוב לומר פרשת המן'), ומרן הבית יוסף ביאר "כדי שיאמין שכל מזונותיו באין לו בהשגחה", וב'פרישה': "בירושלמי...
View ArticlePlanning Board Member: "We have NO Input Appointing New Members"
Lakewood Shopper reports on the Turmoil at the Lakewood planning board.A Planning Board member told the Lakewood Shopper "the board was not consulted regarding the appointment of new members and the...
View ArticleSchools Relax Midwinter Vacation Rules
In previous years Lakeeood schools, particularly the high schools were strict about mid winter vacation. Girls were not allowed to go to Florida or fly to other exotic places, the vacation was spent...
View ArticleTonight: Planning Board Meeting
Tuesday, January 23, 2018 6:00 P.M. Lakewood Municipal building Planning board meeting.See Agenda HERE watch Live stream HERE1. SP 2257 Yeshiva Even Yisroel 50 Niemann Road Block 251.03, Lot...
View ArticleOif Simchas Lakewood January 23, 2018
-Vort: Hachosson Yona Tzvi bilus to hakallah Nechama Cyperstein bas R' Eli at Bais Nosson Tzvi 1445 14th street corner Willow court, 8:00 pm-Chasuna: Gorelick- Hess Fountain Ballroom Lakewood...
View ArticleNew Faces at the Planning Board
At The Lakewood Planning Board earlier this evening 3 new faces joined. TBL reports ,John Jackson was reappointed the board attorney, the Stenographer resigned and Committeeman Akerman came to the...
View ArticleRubashkin Will Grace the "Dinner HaHodaah" at Tomchei Shabbos of Lakewood
Matzav Report: R Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin will attend the Tomchei Shabbos Dinner Feb 3, Novominsker Rebbe will be Guest Speaker. Reb Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin will be returning soon to...
View ArticleJackson Resident files Lawsuit for Shabbos "stake out"
APP reports Jackson township held Sabbath 'stake out' of Orthodox Jews, lawsuit states- A religious gathering of Orthodox Jews was the subject of a "stake out" urged by a township council...
View ArticleEnough With the made up Tznius obsession
There is a phenomenon of publicizing made up letters to the editor addressing so called "tznius" concerns in certain media outlets. Editors love these letters as it increases readership and creates...
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