Erev Shabbos Kodesh Parshas Tezaveh/Parshas Zachor 8 Adar 5778/February 23, 2018
Candle lighting: 5:23 pm
Shkiah 5:41 pm
Sof Zman Krias Shma- Gra 9:24 Am
Weather shabbos day high of 58 chabce of rain showers in the afternoon.
Tannis Esther is next week Wednesday, February 28
Purim Begins Wednesday night
Candle lighting: 5:23 pm
Shkiah 5:41 pm
Sof Zman Krias Shma- Gra 9:24 Am
Weather shabbos day high of 58 chabce of rain showers in the afternoon.
Tannis Esther is next week Wednesday, February 28
Purim Begins Wednesday night