Westgate Entrance shut on Busy Friday Erev Shabbos
Submitted.Which genius decided to close the West Gate entrance the whole Friday. This is insane traffic for hours children and not being picked up. Total disregard for the safety and well-being of the...
View ArticleLakewood Zmanim ערב שבת פרשת תצוה פרשת זכור
Erev Shabbos Kodesh Parshas Tezaveh/Parshas Zachor 8 Adar 5778/February 23, 2018Candle lighting: 5:23 pmShkiah 5:41 pmSof Zman Krias Shma- Gra 9:24 AmWeather shabbos day high of 58 chabce of rain...
View ArticleKrias Zachor for Nashim in Lakewood
Bais Nuchem 12:00Khal D'Brookwood: 11:15Bais Nuchem 12:00Satmar Rockwell 10:30-11:00-3:00Beacon Hill half hour after davenig Ner Dovid 1:30Tiferes Pichos 11:35Ohr Yechezkel 12:30Chateu Ashkenaz 15...
View ArticleVideo: zechor- Shabbos Zachor
- מתוך יוצר לפרשת זכור קֵל נָא בְּלָשׁוֹן אֲשֶׁר הִזְכַּרְתָּ לְזוֹכְרֶיךָ זְכוֹר. בּוֹ בְלָשׁוֹן הִזְכִּירוּךָ נָא אַתָּה זְכוֹר. וְאִם הֵמָּה כְּאָדָם עָבְרוּ בְרִית מִלִּזְכּוֹר. וְאַתָּה קֵל וְלֹא...
View ArticleBDE: Hagaon Harav Shmuel Auerbach zatzal
The Torah world is plunged into mourning with the petirah of Rav Shmuel Auerbach Rosh Yeshiva of Maalos Hatorah. Rav Shmuel was niftar Friday night after suffering a heart attack. He was 87 years old...
View ArticleMotzei Shabbos parshas Tezaveh 5778 Lakewood
-Cheder Nesivos Hatorah Dinner at Bnos Devorah hall 360 Oak Street Lakewood-Yeshiva kol Torah Dinner at Neemas Hachaim hall
View ArticleLive stream Video Hook up Levaya of Harav Shmuel Auerbach ZT"L at BMG
There will be a live hook up at BMG Dinning roomThe Levaya will start at 11:00 am Israeli Time 4:00 am EST
View ArticlePhoto, Video: At The Levaya On the way to Har Hamenuchos
Tens of Thousands accompany the aron of Harav Shmuel Auerbach ztl by foot to Har Hamenuchos וכבוד גדול עשו לו במותוSee Video Below וכבוד גדול עשו לו במותו pic.twitter.com/LjFgPWz0Dq— משה ויסברג...
View ArticleSunday February 25, 2018 Lakewood News links
-Lakewood Weather: Rain early...then remaining cloudy with showers in the afternoon. High 54F. Winds WNW at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 100%.-Lakewood school employee: Officials tried to fire me...
View ArticleShiva Info
Shiva at Mishpachas Checkanow for Hayeled Ahron Nachman Checkanow a"h Ben R' Efraim and Devoiry sheyichuu at 44 Genesse Place, Lakewood. The 6 week old boy didn't wake up R"L. The Levaya took place...
View ArticleOif Simchas/Events February 25, Lakewood
-Chasuna: Galinsky- Paley Ateres Reva hall-Vort:Hachosson Moshe Yitzchok Frankel to Hakallah Ruchella Grunfeld Bas r' Heshy at B"M Ner Yisroel 733 Ridge Avenue, Lakewood 7:30 pm-Vort Hachosson Yisroel...
View ArticleMazel Tov! Simchas Lakewood
Mazel Tov to the Lakewood Rosh yeshiva Harav Malkiel Kotler shlita and his Mishpacha on the engagement of their daughter, Sara Yehudis to Hachosson Yisroel Goldring Ben R' Aaron Z"L from Brooklyn. The...
View ArticleForecast: Rain Expected on Purim Day
Forecast for Purim in LakewoodRain showers in the morning will evolve into a more steady rain in the afternoon. High 51F. Chance of rain 80%. Rainfall near a quarter of an inch.Friday Shushan...
View ArticleConstruction Begins to Install Traffic Signal at Pine and MLK Intersection
Crews began construction to install s traffic light at the intersection of Pine Street and Martin Luther King Drive in Lakewood. The busy corner currently has a 3 way stop sign but traffic on Pine...
View ArticleOif Simchas/ Events Lakewood February 26, 2018
Reminder: Kiddush Levana-Vort: Hachosson Yisroel Goldring to Hakallah Sara Yehudis Kotler Bas Rosh Hayeshiva Harav Malkiel Shlita at Yeshiva Ktana hall 120 2nd street Lakewood 7:30...
View ArticleNWS: Potential Storm to Hit the Jersey Shore Friday
You may want to get your shabbos shopping done before Purim.A potential nor'easter threatens the New Jersey coast with rain, coastal flooding strong winds and potential serious tidal flooding to the...
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