The speech reaches over 100k views
The Rechnitz speech has hit the 100k views mark on YouTube. The speech continues to make waves and is not going away, sparking debate about the issue of school acceptance. Some felt it gave a voice to...
View ArticleBOE special meeting to discuss transportation crisis
BOE Special Meeting Notice - Thursday, February 11, 2016 at 7:30 pm in the Lakewood High School Auditorium. The purpose is to discuss the failed Referendum and the next steps toward a solution to the...
View ArticleAmi Magazine covers Lakewood
Discussing the Challenges of Americas leading Yeshiva town
View ArticlePeach moms strike again with anti vaxer propoganda
The anti vaxer movement in Lakewood once again distributed its propaganda against vaccinations. As previously reported HERE A prominent Brooklyn pediatrician said Lakewood is a disaster with non...
View ArticleLarge crowd at BOE meeting
The parking lot is full at the BOE meeting taking place at the Lakewood high school auditorium. The special meeting was called in response to the referendum asking for an additional 6 million that was...
View ArticleAt BOE meeting, LPD not ready for busing cancelation
Close to 2000 packed the special BOE meeting to protest against the busing cuts. The BOE asked parents to sign a petition asking the state for more aid to the district. Former board attorney and...
View ArticleMatzav report- 2,000 Turn Out for Crisis Meeting 15 Days Before Courtesy...
MATZAV Lakewood, NJ – The Lakewood Board of Education held a special meeting last night at the Lakewood High School Auditorium. The purpose of this specially convened meeting – which was attended by...
View ArticleBitter cold temperatures ahead for New Jersey
Shabbos should be mostly sunny with a few scattered snow flurries. Temperatures are expected to be very cold, with highs of only about 20 degrees. Lows could reach the single digits. Sunday should also...
View ArticleMelava Malka Motzei Shabbos Terumah
1. Mirrer yeshiva Alumni Melava Malka at Estreia 978 River Avenue 8:15 pm2. The Bais Yaakov H.S. of Lkwd Alumni Melava Malka will be this Motzei Shabbos Feb 13 @ 8 in BY. 3. Mekor Hatorah annual...
View ArticleMaster plan will bring positive change
This weeks Voice of Lakewood, feature story reviews Lakewood's development plans. Township plans to appoint a master plan committee that will determine what is in the best interests of the town in...
View ArticleMagazine, features Lakewood Toy store
Edplay- Fifteen years ago, Harold Herskowitz came up with a plan “to open the coolest toy store anyone had ever seen.” Why toys? The father of five, including a set of quadruplets, was going broke...
View ArticleSpending on non mandated services
While we wait for the state to kick in some aid lets take a look at the district spending on other non mandated after school programs and busing. First question why is there a cafeteria bill for...
View ArticleAPP- Breaking Lakewood bussing deal in the works reports a potential deal is on the table to avoid the courtesy busing cancellation. According to the report "No agreement has been reached yet. It would require the Township Committee to...
View ArticleThe numbers don't add up
Flashback this was posted 6 weeks ago! Surprising only now politicians acknowledge numbers were skewed.The 6.2 million referendum on courtesy busing is in 3 weeks so far not a word from the Vaad, Igud...
View ArticleLakewood Chaveirim responds to over 190 calls
As of 1:00 am Chaveirim members have responded to over 100 calls, including many frozen pipe calls, Remember keep heat on & water trickling during the freeze. A very warm THANK YOU! to the amazing...
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