Lakewood Fire commissioner election may be decided by a Coin Toss
The election results for one of the seats for Lakewood Fire commissioner ended in a Tie. The voice of Lakewood reports there are several options for candidates to do. They can ask for a hand recount...
View ArticleLakewood, NJ zmanim ערב שבת פרשת משפטים פרשת שקלים שבת מברכים ערב ר''ח אדר
משנכנס אדר מרבין בשמחהFriday, February 24, 2017 / כ"ח שבט תשע"ז-Candle lighting 5:25-Shkia 5:43Rosh Chodesh Adar is Sunday and Monday Molad is Sunday 6:20am+ 9 chalokim-Weather...
View ArticleMelava Malka motzei shabbos Mishpatim Rosh Chodesh Adar 5777 Lakewood, NJ
-Melava malka Yeshiva Emek Halacha 8:30 pm at KZY 175 Sunset Guest speaker Rav Yaakov Busel shlita.-Asifa for Ladies and girls about Smartphones at Ateres Chana hall Rav Malkiel Kotler shlita speaking...
View ArticleJackson council: No Dormitories in residential areas Schools limited to...
Jackson NJ Council has created an ordinance to prevent dorms from operating in residential areas. The township also plans to restrict the construction of public and private schools to only three small...
View ArticleWhat was the LSTA created for?
The LSTA sent an opt in form to parents of non mandated busing to join the LSTA busing but will have to pay a $150 per child fee. The form said that the Department of Education does not provide...
View ArticleTonight: YTT Expo Lakewood
SUNDAY FEBRUARY 26 The YTT EXPO Fountain Ballroom725 Vasser Avenue Lakewood, NJ 08701
View ArticleOif Simches Lakewood NJ Feb 26 Rosh chodesh Adar
-Vort: Hachosson Eliyahu Jaffa is engaged to Kallah Dudowitz from Miami. Vort tonight at Rav Millstein's shul. 110 Miller Rd, Lakewood 6- 9pmVort: Chosson Meir Landau to Kalla bas Reb Doniel Cohen at...
View ArticleJewish Cemetery in Philadelphia Vandalized
Hamodia NEW YORK - Against the backdrop of an increasing number of anti-Semitic incidents nationwide, observers were shocked to find scores of headstones toppled at a Jewish cemetery in...
View ArticleNPGS looks to open at seagull square mall
It appears Lakewood supermarket NPGS with 2 Lkwd locations and 1 in Jackson, now have plans to open another branch for the a Rt 9 south area at seagull square mall. First Amendmant activist website...
View ArticleTBL- Township Committee passed faulty zoning changes without notice
TBL- ( )Imagine living in an area zoned for single family houses on large lots, and waking up one day to hundreds of duplexes on small lots or office buildings or shopping centers...
View ArticleTonight: Meeting Downtown Subcommittee of the Lakewood Township Master Plan
Please be advised that the Downtown Subcommittee of the LakewoodTownship Master Plan Committee will be conducting meeting on February 27, 2017 at 6:00pm in the Auditorium of the Lakewood Township...
View ArticleOif Simches Lakewood Feb 27 2017
-Vort: Hachosson Elchonon Schechter to Kalla Saks at the Pine River Village Simcha hall 36 Goldcrest Lakewood NJ Vort: Hachosson Yosef Roberts (Teaneck) To Hakallah Rochel Honig bas R' Avrohom at...
View ArticlePhotos: Minyan shelanu EY trip
Minyan Shelanu boys along with Rabbi Chaim Abadi & other Minyan family visiting Rav Gamliel Rabinovitch & listening to divrei chizuk. Photos courtesy of Minyan Shelanu FB page.
View ArticleVideo: Lakewood Downtown masterplan subcommitee
Video courtesy of First Amendment Activist
View ArticleTonight: Density subcommitee of Lakewood Master- Plan
Click above to Listen.Please be advised that the Housing Density Subcommittee of the LakewoodTownship Master Plan Committee will be conducting a meeting on February 28, 2017 at 6:00pm in the...
View ArticleDigital Billboards back on the agenda
It didnt even take 2 weeks and there is once again a resolution on the agenda for the upcoming Lakewood township commitee meeting to approve 5 digital billboards. The same resolution was voted down 2...
View ArticleOif simchas Lkwd, Feb 28
-Chasuna: Koppenheim- Greenbaum Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga-Wedding: Stefansky Chasuna at Lake Terrace hall (Freilach band Levi Falkowitz)-PTA
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