Divrei Chizuk Erev om Hadin Lakewood
-Novominsk Rebbe Shlita will deliver Divrei Chizuk to the Alumni ahead of the yemei hadin B'M Ohr Tuvia 969 east End Avenue Lakewood, NJ 8:30 pm- Yeshiva Torah Vodaas Annual Lakewood reception 227...
View ArticleRosh Hashana Simanim from Keren Even Habochem in Lakewood
Available this Tuesday from 8:30 am and on at Rabbi Gissinger Shul 175 Sunset.
View ArticleTonight: Lakewood Planning Board Meeting
Planning Board Meeting at 6 pm Lakewood municipal buildingExtended Draft Agenda HEREFormer Cedarbridge mall parcel application pushed of since adequate legal notice was not provided (15. SD 2281 Avenue...
View ArticleTBL: Remember When the Committee and Miller made this Promise?
TBL: At the 10/6/16 Township Committee meetingMayor Miller made the following announcement:“As far as I’m concerned – my message out there – I’m done with all the density – I’m done with any additional...
View ArticleFuntime America Closes it's Doors.
APP reports Funtime America, the indoor amusement center on Route 35 in Eatontown,NJ has closed its doors. It was a place where Lakewood Families would go to for Chol Hamoed trips or just for a quick...
View ArticleSelichos Minyanim Tonight Erev Rosh Hashana 5778 Lakewood
Selichos Erev Rosh Hashana tonight -Lutzk: 12:45 Tomorrow Morning 6 AM & 7:45 AM-Alumni 12:45-Ger shteeble Madison and 10th, early-(berditchev 12:50 am?)-Benkowski shul Off Central Avenue-BML 210...
View Articleערב ראש השנה תהא שנת עולם חסד -מעדני הפרשה האזינו ראש השנה
תשע"ח - תהא שנתעולם חסד, עוז חביון, עץ חיים, עצת חכמה, עליית / עטרת חן, חי עולמים, עולם חדש, חיים עלינו, חיים עלאים,חכמה עצומה, חילוץ עצמות, עבדים חופשי, עת חרותנו, חירות עמנו, עם חי, עם חכם, חיי עולם,...
View ArticleSafety First?
וישמן ישורוןErev Rosh Hashana Lakewood.The infamous LED Digital Billboards in Lakewood went Live. Given the fact of the many potential safety issues that the public raised, it's ironic and shocking...
View ArticlePeaceful Protest against Kapparos This Shabbos
The animal rights activist will be holding the yearly protest against kapporos with chickens. The group will meet on September 23 shabbos shuva on Rt 9 and County Line Rd in Lakewood near the Exxon...
View ArticleMinhagim for Erev Rosh Hashana 5778
-Some have a minhag to purchase a new knife on Erev Rosh hashana as a segulah for parnassah. see below החותך חיים לכל חי-The minhag is for men to fast on erev Rosh Hashana up to chatzos.-Some go to...
View ArticleLakewood Zmanim Erev Rosh Hashana ראש השנה תשע"ח - הבא עלינו לטובה
כתיבה וחתימה טובהPrepare עירוב תבשילין on Wednesday Erev Rosh Hashanah 5778 Wednesday 29 Elul 5777/September 20, 2017 Chatzos 12:49 pmCandle Lighting...
View ArticleBDE: Rav Shimon Gitelis ZTL
Petirah of Rav Shimon Gitelis Zatzal who was about 104. He was from the last remaining Mirrer Talmidim. Levaya will be in Lakewood later today time tba.
View ArticleOif Simchas/Events motzei Tzom Gedalia 5778 Lakewood
-Vort: Hachosson Sruly Kleinkaufman (Roselle Ct.) to Kallah bas R' Lazer Rosenthal at 260 Oak Knoll, Lakewood NJ 8:30 pm-Drasha Rav Alter Yaakov Yitzchok Glantz shlita at Satmar 29 Marble way-Parlor...
View ArticleLos Angeles Times: Reports on Lakewood
L.A. Times: reports from 3,000 miles away, a mixed report about the raids.It was a spectacle nobody in this sleepy New Jersey town would forget.Early one Monday morning, police and FBI agents in...
View ArticleVideo: Planning Board Strategizing to Minimize public input At Hearing
Courtesy of First Amendment ActivistMembers question if they have to give notice and open it for the public, suggestion putting the vote at the end of the agenda after a long night of applications....
View ArticleTonight: Lakewood BOE Meeting
Lakewood Board Of Education public meeting 6:30 pm 855 Somerset Avenueon the agenda:-$2 raise for district school bus drivers-$7,900 per student for Camp Schi total of 57 students pg 22-Payment of non...
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