Photo: No More Cholov Yisroel at Starbucks
This was posted at a local Lakewood Starbucks store.
View ArticleOif Simchas/Events Lakewood September 25th, 2017
-Vort: Hachosson Moshe Moskowitz to Kallah Bas R' Eli Tress at Ohr Tuvia 969 East End 7:30 pm-Engaged: Shmuly Gotleib to Bas R' Yaakov Mandelbaum (Lakewood) -Parlor Meeting Misameach at 154 Alamitos...
View ArticlePublic Hearing to Adopt Lakewood Master plan will be on Erev Yom Tov
In case you you have nothing better to do on Erev Sukkos you can go to the planning board meeting where they are expected to adopt the master plan with high density.source-PUBLIC NOTICE 2017 LAKEWOOD...
View ArticleChestnut Esrogim Back for our 5th year!!!ARBAH MINIM SETS PRE-SELECTED BY THE ROV× OPEN TO THE PUBLIC ×We are happy to announce that once again, the Shul will be selling ARBAH MINIM SETS (Esrogim,...
View ArticleThere's Going to be More Development More Growth
Article in The Lakewood Shopper with chairman of Lakewood Master Plan committee. No plan for any moratorium or upgrade the infrastructure. Just build and "over time we will improve the quality of...
View ArticleOif Simchas/ Events Lakewood September 26th
-Vort: Hachosson Dovi Ginsparg to Bas Rav Sasson Gellerman at the Bais Horaah, corner of 4th & Madison from 8-10-Vort: Hachosson Shmuly Gotleib to Kallah Bas R' Yaakov Mandelbaum at Bnos...
View ArticlePR: Lakewood's diverse community rallies to Mexico's aid
LAKEWOOD, N.J., Sept. 26, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Once again disaster struck, and once again Lakewood's diverse community came to the aid of distant victims. Shortly after a deadly 7.1 magnitude...
View ArticleLPD: Coffee With a Cop Day
National Coffee with a Cop Day 10/4/17 (Erev Sukkos)Join your neighbors and police officers for coffee and conversation on National Coffee with a Cop Day. Wednesday, 10/4/17 9am-11am Starbucks - Rt....
View ArticleResolution of Sukkah Issue in Lakewood Senior Community - The Homeowners’ Association of the Enclave senior community in Lakewood, NJ, is being praised for its decision regarding the right of its residents to build Sukkahs in the community. The...
View ArticleDivrei Chizuk Aseres Yemei Teshuva Lakewood September 27
-Seudas Preidah at Ateres Esther hall in Binyan Hertzka for BMG kollel youngeleit going to Berlin, Germany to join Kollel there -Parlor meeting to benefit yeshiva Bais Yehuda of Bnei Brak with the...
View ArticlePetition to Reject Master Plan and Density
Sign Petition HEREPetition to reject master plan and more dense housing until a solution to the traffic is found. Please forward on whats app and in emails to everyone you know.It is totally...
View ArticleLakewood News Links 9/28/17
- Lakewood arrests- Attorneys have maintained their clients' innocence while they seek entry to a pretrial intervention program that could eventually erase the charges from their records. see HERE-...
View ArticleAn Assault on our Chinuch System
Two months ago during summer vacation a veteran Lkwd mechanech was brutally punched beaten and knocked to the ground by someone who was upset about the education of a child. The incitement by the frum...
View ArticleFAA: Township Leaders push for Density
אשרי עין ראתה כל אלה - הלא למשמע אזן דאבה נפשנוFAA website.
View ArticlePre Yom Kippur Shmooz
Congregation Etz Chaim of Chestnut would like to invite all Men and Bachurim in the community to an uplifting and inspiring Pre Yom Kippur Shmooz by the Rav, Rabbi Kaszirer, and Kumzitz led by Moshe...
View ArticleErev Yom Kippur, 5 Girls still not accepted to high schools
אבינו מלכנו חמול עלינו ועל עוללנו וטפינוIts Erev Yom Kippur school is basically over until after Sukkos there are still some girls that are sitting at home waiting...
View Articleערב יום הכיפורים תשע"ח מעדני הפרשה
בס"ד, ערב יום הכיפורים תשע"חידידיי ומכובדיי קוראי ומתענגי הגליון 'מעדני הפרשה'הע"יעומדים אנו סמוך ונראה ליום הקדוש והנורא, כל אחד מפשפש במעשיו ומבקשים סליחה ומחילה ממי שפגעו במהלך השנה, מישהו שלח לי...
View ArticleHalachos When Yom Kippur falls out on Shabbos, 5778
This year Yom Kippur 5778 falls out on Shabbos there are some halachos pertaining to this day.1. We say Avinu Malkeinu by Shachris on Erev Yom Kippur that comes out on Friday since we dont say it on...
View ArticleLakewood Zmanim Erev Yom Kippur 5778 ט׳ תשרי תשע״ח ערב יום כיפור
יַעֲלֶה תַחֲנוּנֵנוּ מֵעֶרֶב וְיָבוֹא שַׁוְעָתֵנוּ מִבֹּקֶר וְיֵרָאֶה רִנּוּנֵנוּ עַד עָרֶב. Tashlich erev Yom Kippur Lakewood, NJשנה טובה, גמר חתימה טובה,...
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