Oif Simchas Lakewood Rosh Chodesh Marcheshvon
-Vort: Hachosson Yehuda Spielman @ home of Yitzchok Meir Lederer 52 E 13th st. Lakewood-Vort: Hachoson Mordechai Wiesenfeld to Kallah Breindel Leff Bas R' Zalman at Ohr yecheskel hall 7:30 pm-Vort:...
View Articleמעדני הפרשה ערש"ק פר'נח תשע"ח
מעדני הפרשה נח מאת ישראל אהרן קלצקין בס"ד, ערש"ק פר'נח תשע"ח ידידיי ומכובדיי קוראי ומתענגי הגליון 'מעדני הפרשה'הע"י ב"ה התחלנו שנה חדשה ומחזור חדש בתורה, וכאשר הבעל קורא קרא בשני וחמישי את ההכנות...
View ArticleLakewood Zmanim ערב שבת פרשת נח ראש חודש חשון
Friday, October 20, 2017 / ל׳ תשרי תשע״ח Mazel Tov: Over 150 Kiddushim in Lakewood this shabbosCandle lighting 5:51 pmShkiah: 6:09 pmWeather mostly sunny high of 75
View ArticleWinter Zman 5778 Begins in Lakewood
The bnei hayeshiva have returned to the Koslei bais hamedrash ahead of the long winter zman. The stretch from Sukkos to Pesach is the longest zman of the yearly cycle. It's back to the daily yeshiva...
View ArticleAd for honest Perspective on Lakewood issues
In this weeks issue of the Lakewood weekly someone took out an ad informing Lakewood residents of websites that report with an honest persective on Lakewood issues. The ad says "None of these websites...
View ArticleToday: Noach's Teiva and Petting zoo at Gourmet Glatt Lakewood
This Sunday You'll want to bring your kids to Gourmet Glatt. We are having a fun & exciting big walk through Teivah (Noah's ark) that includes a petting zoo🐫In the gourmet glatt parking lot .From...
View ArticleOif Simchos Lakewood October 22, 2017
-Vort: Hachosson Chaim Mandel to Kallah Rivky Moldaver at 7:00 in tashbar hall 82 Oak street-Vort: Hachosson Yanky Horowicz to Kallah Toby Gordon Bas R' Noach at Orchos Chaim hall 410 Oberlin Ave S...
View ArticleExcitement Mounts over Trailblazing New Yeshiva
Based in Lakewood. Ages 19-24. This is an alternative to Eretz Yisroel, BMG etc. The Yeshiva World was hit by storm this past Elul with the opening of a brand new first of its kind Yeshiva with a...
View ArticleSorry we're full
We are full. That's the message that parents got when they called to apply. Not for high school or mesivta not even for elementary school but for the 2 year old playgroup! parents must apply for their...
View ArticleOif Simchas Lakewood October 23, 2017
-Vort: Hachosson Yakov yehoshua Bakst to Hakalla Nierenberg at Bais Pinchos hall 7:30-Chasuna: Becker- Friedman Lake Terrace hall-Chasuna: Cohen- Kaminsky at Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga-Mir Alumni...
View ArticleMeet APP Reporter Tomorrow Oct. 24 at The French Press in Lakewood
Lakewood Residents will have an opportunity to meet APP reporter covering Lakewood, Stacey Barchenger who will be in town tomorrow morning Wednesday October 24. She will be at the French Press Coffee...
View ArticleJackson/ Lkwd Links
- Lakewood Company Steps Up To Fly Beachwood Twins Home- Once the babies are transferred to the plane, they will flight back to Teterboro, where two Hatzolah ambulances will meet the plane and...
View ArticleFAA: Is Lakewood Township circumventing Master Plan
FAA: The Planning board made a motion that no ordnance should be adopted until Cross street, Pine street, and Route 9 will be Dualized. The Mayor said at the workshop meeting on October 18 "the planner...
View ArticleTBL: Sneaky changes Put into the Masterplan #Masterscam
Posted at Take Back LakewoodFinal Master Plan Vote on Wednesday October 25th at 6:00.Official Summary of changesAt the October 3rd meeting, the Planning Board voted to have T&M draft significant...
View ArticleGuadango, Murphy discuss Eruv Bans in NJ
With Elections just two weeks away in New Jersey both Gubernatorial candidates spoke out against the Eruv bans in some NJ towns. Republican Kim Guadango in an interview with Hamodia newspaper said...
View ArticleNJ Sues Mahwah Over Eruv
Jackson next.NJ.com - New Jersey sues Mahwah over eruv, alleging discriminatory ordinance against Orthodox JewsThe state Attorney General’s office has filed a nine-count lawsuit against Mahwah and the...
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