Oif Simchas Lakewood October 24, 2017
-Vort: Hachosson Binyomin Sherwinter to Hakallah Henny Rottenberg(Baltimore) at 223 14th Street Lakewood, NJ-Vort: Hachoson Shmuel Tzvi Hochman to Kallah Bas R' Nuchem Weiss at Khal Chasidim 8:00...
View ArticleBobov 48, Building 120 Homes at Prospect & Cross street in Lakewood
New Bobover Yishuv in Lakewood. Developers purchased a parcel in Lakewood at Prospect and Cross streets. The plan is to build 120 affordable homes for the new Bobov Yishuv in Lakewood.
View ArticleLPD: Coffee With a Cop
LPD: In case you missed us the last time, we will be putting on a second pot tomorrow at The French Press Coffee Roasters and Four Corners Kosher Bagel & Cafe from 9am to 11am. Please stop by to...
View ArticleTonight: Final Master Plan Public Hearing
The Lakewood Planning Board will have its final Master Plan Public Hearing where the board is expected to pass the master plan recommendations. The public will probably not be allowed to speak.Tonight...
View ArticleEstablishment of B"M Emek Tefillah Hornisteipel in Toms River
The Toms River community welcomes Rabbi Mordechai Sekula shlita a Chasidishe Rav from Toronto who will relocate and establish his shul Bais Medrash Emek Tefillah Hornisteipel in Toms River, NJ. Rav...
View ArticleThe Fix is In
Submitted.The facts are being hidden from the public, and here's how.All previous master plans list the specific zoning changes the master plan recommends and why. In this plan, in all 350 pages there...
View ArticleZara opens Tomorrow at Freehold Raceway Mall
APP, FREEHOLD - Zara, the Spanish apparel retailer, will open Thursday at Freehold Raceway Mall, its first location at the Jersey Shore.Zara, a brand of the Inditex Group, the world's largest fashion...
View ArticleOif Simchas Lakewood October 25, 2017
-Vort: Hachosson Yehuda Lichters to Kallah Bracha Eidel Gottleib Bas Reb Chaim Z"L at khal Chasidim 1401 Cedar Row 8:00pm-Chasuna: Gottddiner- Kaufman at Neeimas Hachaim hall
View ArticleTBL: Master Plan approved with Positive changes
Takebacklakewood report:The Planning Board voted to approve the Master Plan with numerous changes.While there were numerous positive changes made - this Master Plan will still go down as the cause of...
View ArticlePhoto: Solidarity Shiur
The entire Yeshiva of Kneses Yitzchok Chadera had a solidarity night seder outside the IDF jail where some of their Bochurim were arrested as draft dodgers. The Rosh Yeshiva Harav Yehoshua Erenberg...
View ArticleThe Great BIG Jsrsey Shore Challah Bake!
THE GREAT BIG JERSEY SHORE CHALLAH BAKE!LAKE TERRACE, 1690 OAK ST, LAKEWOOD, NJ 08701, 26 OCT 2017 07:00Address: 1690 Oak St, Lakewood, NJ 08701, USAThe 3rd Annual Challah Bake will give us a...
View ArticleAnalysis: Developers are Laughing all the way to The Bank
Submitted.Let's be honest with ourselves. They gave Eagle Ridge more dense zoning then R7.5. By making it 3.6 per acre on gross, being that more then half isn't buildable that's 7.2+ per acre that's...
View ArticleToday: LFD Commissioners Board Meeting
Board of Fire Commissioners Fire Distric No. 1 316 River Avenue Lakewood, NJ 08701October 26, 2017 4:30 p.m.Office of the CommissionersAGENDAResolution 2017 Creation of Paid Positions○ Resolution...
View ArticleIsrael TV reports on Lakewood Chavrusah Tumul
A TV crew from Israel Channel 2 was on hand to report on the Chavrusah Tumul at BMG ahead of the new zman @yaircherkipic.twitter.com/CV5zY9gmEbOctober 25, 2017
View ArticleOif Simchas Lakewood October 26, 2017
Chasuna: Perlow- Slomovitz Ateres Reva hallChasuna: Tesser- Spielman Fountain Ballroom Lakewood ChederDrasha: Harav Yoel Roth Rosh Yeshiva Tiferes HaTorah of Breslov will speak at the Breslov B"M of...
View ArticleLakewood Sample Ballot for General Election November 7th
Elections for two slots on the township committeeElections for Board of Ed 3 slots for 3 year term and two slots for one year term Elections for Lakewood Fire Commissioner
View ArticleNWS: Coastal Storm on Sandy Anniversary
A major storm is expected for Sunday into Monday on the east coast. Heavy flooding rain and damaging tropical storm/hurricane force winds are possible for the anniversary of Hurricane Sandy. Exact...
View ArticleLakewood Zmanim ערב שבת פרשת לך לך ז׳ חשון תשע״ח
Erev Shabbos Kodesh Parshas Lech Lecha Friday 7 Cheshvan 5778/October 27, 2017"ונברכו בך כל משפחות האדמה"Candle lighting 5:42 PMShkia 6:00 pmweather: clear high of 68מברכים בה׳׳ב
View ArticleSerious Accident
Accident tonight on Rt 88 with injuries medivac required to transport patient.
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