LPD ticketing Around Yeshiva
Yesterday the Lakewood Police Department issued parking tickets around the BMG vicinity. Illegally parked cars got summonses near the 7th Street campus. Today the crackdown continues.
View ArticleLPD: Victim in Fatal Crash struck Twice
Patch -- A Lakewood man has been identified as the pedestrian killed on Christmas Day when he was struck by two cars as he tried to cross Cedar Bridge Avenue, Lakewood police said.Roger A. Conover, 45,...
View ArticleOif Simchas Lakewood December 27, 2017
-Chasuna: Perlow- Follman at Lake Terrace hall-Chasuna: Streicher- Bressler Fountain Ballroom Lakewood ChederAsara B'teves Zmanim LakewoodFast begins: 5:50am OR 6:06amChatzos: 11:58Fast ends (50...
View ArticleIsraeli TV Documentary on Frum Communities in the US, A visit to Lakewood
Israeli TV documentary on the Frum Jews of Brooklyn and its surrounding areasWatch the Lakewood segment at minute Mark: 13:00 - 17:00Or see video Below
View Article‘Can I go back to the cell?’ “I have to say a prayer (bentch).’”
Excerpt from Article in Yated Mei’afeilah L’orah – From Darkness to LightAnd so it was that on the last day of Chanukah, a guard went to Shalom Mordechai’s cell and told him, “Pack up and leave. Get...
View Articleמוצאי עשרה בטבת Simchas/ Events Lakewood
-Chasuna: Shapiro- Rothenberg Lake Terrace hall-Chasuna: Zucker- Lomner Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga-Vort: Hachosson Avrumi Pick to Kallah Chaya Dusie Bash Bas R' Tzvi Simcha at R' Gissinger shul 175...
View Article"Surreal" The Yated and the Rubashkin story
It was an unpopular stance to take, but Rabbi Lipschutz put pen to paper and wrote what was on his mind and in his heart. He couldn’t stand by silently as a good man was being maligned.Yated Neeman...
View ArticleBitter Cold Temps Through next Week
Forecasters expect the cold weather to stick around for a while and remain below freezing until January 7th. Snow is expected over shabbos Between 1-2 inches inch in the Central Jersey area. Still too...
View ArticleBun Burger Kitchen
Bun Burger Kitchen soft opening in Lakewood Located 1091 river Avenue, Todd Plaza South Lakewood, NJ (732) 806-5287From Great Kosher Restaurants Facebook Page:Words from the chef, Jason Cappetta...
View ArticleLakewood Zmanim ערב שבת פרשת ויחי - חזק
Erev Shabbos Kodesh Parshas Vayechi/Shabbos Chazak Friday 11 Teves 5778/December 29, 2017-Candle lighting 4:21 pm-Shkiah 4:39 pmWeather for Shabbos hi of 10 Friday Night,shabbos day Hi of 28 very cold...
View ArticleMelava Malka Motzei Shabbos Parshas Vayechi 5778 Lakewood
View ArticleNew Dates for Trash pick in Lakewood
Starting January 1, 2018, all normal trash (green can) and recycling (yellow can) pickups for Thursday and Friday will be collected the day before. So if the normal pickup day was Thursday, it is now...
View ArticleNWS: Wind Chill Advisory Tonight- Frostbite in 30 minutes
Wind Chill Advisory Alert:...WIND CHILL ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 9 PM THIS EVENING TO 10 AM EST MONDAY... A Wind Chill Advisory means that cold air and the wind will combine to create low wind chills....
View ArticleAt a Time of Fake News and PR We Saw A Moment of Truth
Much was said about the Spontaneous reaction upon hearing the News that Shalom Mordechai Rubashkin was released. Yidden in frum communities throughout the world gathered and celebrated they danced in...
View ArticleBDE
Petira of HaRav Yitzchok Sender Ztl father of R' Moshe R' Shraga R' Dovid R' Yakov R' Mordechi R' Meir R' Shlomo. Rabbi Yitzchok Sender ZT'L was a Rosh Yeshiva in Skokie Yeshiva,IL a Gaon and Talmid...
View ArticleOif Simchas/Eents Lakewood December 31, 2017
-Vort of Hachosson Shloimy Milworm to Kallah Naftali @ River Terrace 1094 river ave Lakewood 6:00 pm-Lakewood Chaveirim Responds to over 200 calls today Friends u can count on-Parlor Meeting for Lev...
View ArticleLive: Agudas Yisroel Atzeres Hisoirerus for Hagaon Harav Rav Aharon Yehuda...
The event will take place this Sunday, December 31st, at the Novominsker Yeshiva Bais Medrash, 6020 17th Avenue in Brooklyn, with maariv at 7:30 pm, followed by the program.The speakers will be Harav...
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