Atzeres Tefillah for Rav Meir Soleveichick This Motzei shabbos in Bais Faiga...
Atzeres Tefilla on behalf of for Rav Meir Soleveitchick shlita who is in need of Rachmei Shomayim and a refuah shleima, will take place this Motzei Shabbos parshas Tzav in Lakewood at Bais Faiga hall...
View ArticleLakewood Chaveirim thanks local residents who searched for missing man
A man with a medical condition went missing Friday night after he was in shul in the Area of Miller road and Carasaljo drive, a search was called. Posters were distributed in area shuls asking for...
View ArticlePurim Video debating the speech
In what are you saying about all this ?( It's about the Schools from Lakewood , In about rabbi rechnitz , In I'm holding that rabbi rechnitz Is a very very good & special and wonderful sweet man...
View ArticleLakewood Links
Chabad of Toms River Law suit Aerial Video of Lakewood development- enjoy the views Watch Below Video: Lakewood BOE meeting march 21 2016
View ArticleChanges coming to NJ MVC inspections cars older than 1995 wont need inspection
# changes coming starting May 1, 20161. All re-inspections will be achieved during private investigation facilities. If a automobile fails investigation during a Motor Vehicle Commission station, a...
View ArticleHachnosas Sefer Torah this afternoon at Khal Chasidim
Hachnusas Sefer Torah today. Siyum ksivas Osyas Bertram Family120 Adelaide place 1:30-3:30 Procession at 4:00 to Khal chasidim 1401 cedar row. Pekelach flags, torches for the kids.
View ArticleAre we getting the real inside story?
Last week it was TVOL with a headline "The inside story about the Bais Horaah" the article had no inside story but a PR piece. This week, following up on the planning board meeting the Lakewood Shopper...
View ArticleAt The Atzeres tefilah for Rav Meir Soloveitchik Shlita
Video HERE of Atzeres Tefilla this past Motzei shabbos for Rav Meir Soleveitchik please daven רבי מאיר בן הענדל
View ArticleThanks to all the safety messages
The many pre Purim safety messages paid off. The Tzibur would C"V not have known how to behave and use common sense. There were no DWI arrests over Purim wow what a great news item to post. We were...
View ArticleIsraeli Supermarket Chain to open in Lakewood
Osher Ad will open its doors in New York and New Jersey, providing ultra-Orthodox Jewish and other local customers with kosher products at low prices. Osher Ad will be the first Israeli supermarket...
View ArticlePedestrian safety campaign in Lakewood this Wed and Thursday
Officials in Lakewood, in an effort to reduce accidents between vehicles and pedestrians, have decided to participate in a two-day educational blitz this week led by the state Department of...
View ArticleSeeking volunteers to make suppers
Chai 4 ever is Seeking several volunteers to make suppers for a Lakewood family. They are trying to arrange it for now through Pesach. Please call/txt 2152191375
View ArticleWhy cant one sue or take to a Bais Din
Submitted.Would you go to a doctor that has no malpractice insurance, or to a physician that you cant sue? most probably not. You want to know that there is accountability for negligence or harmful...
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