Anticipation builds for the speech
What will he say? Reb Shlomo Yehuda always surprises and never lets the suspense get down. He is expected to speak at the evening of appreciation for Rabbi Kanarek. The press release states he will be...
View ArticleChurban of social media
Initially there was no reason to believe that a kid poured hot coffee over the head of a homeless man. We wondered how could it be true where would one even think up something so sick to do and take...
View ArticleAt Shmuli's Grill & Smokehouse shabbos shira
Thursday night @ Shmuli's Grill & Smokehouse...!! Posted by Shmuli Schwinger on Thursday, January 14, 2016
View ArticleThey are also a tzelem eloykim
If you see a homeless person reach out to them give them some money or food lets show our kids they are a tzelem eloykim. By doing so we will be mechanech them how to treat all humans with dignity...
View ArticleNichum aveilim today in Lakewood at the Rosh Yeshiva Rav Yerucham Olshin shlita
The Rosh Yeshiva Harav Yeruchim Olshin shlita will be sitting shiva following 1:45 Mincha upstairs chaburah rooms of the Forest Avenue Bais Medrash. Corner 11th and Forest.
View ArticleLakewood Chaveirim seeks help ahead of storm
Have an SUV & available to assist during the storm for Non-Life Threatening Emergencies?Please email Thanks!
Due to the Winter Storm expected Friday evening, January 22nd, through Sunday, January 24th, please move all trash and recycling cans away from the curb and secure all belongings away from the streets...
View ArticleSouthern, central NJ to get heaviest snow of this winter storm
Will start falling in Lakewood at 6 PMSouth central New Jersey is expected to get the heaviest snowfall during the winter storm that's expected to pummel the Northeast over the next 36 hours, according...
View ArticleA shabbos to remember
So far 20+ inches has fallen in Lakewood. The snow started falling in middle of the Friday night seudah around 6:45 and snowed non stop through motzei shabbos another 4 inches expected to accumulate...
View ArticleAll you need to know about the courtesy busing referendum
"Township officials are developing a contingency plan that would likely involve hiring scores of additional crossing guards and reassigning police officers to traffic control duty" according to a...
View ArticleWhere are the plows my road wasnt cleard at all
The usual complaints are in why did I not see a plow come to my street? Why was the other street cleared to the blacktop again and again? who lives on that street? we pay soo much taxes where is the...
View ArticleHomeless man gets put up in a motel after some confusion
Homeless in Lakewood, Part 3Ron Leggartt, Homeless in Lakewood, promised a place to stay for the storm. Found in his dugout in the snow. No motel. No warm room. Just empty promisesPosted by Shaindy...
View ArticleAnger and fury mounts as residents are stuck
Enough of all the self congratulatory videos and photo ops, Lakewood residents are furious with the township snow plowing efforts. There are streets that did not see a plow since the onset of the...
View ArticleFREEZING temps tonight in Lakewood
No, not that freezing, not the snow or cold weather but the door to the Lakewood freezer will open this evening as Tu Bshvat is the unofficial day when new Bochurim start the parsha of shidduchim. The...
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