Storm update: Jersey Shore will get most of the precipitation
Current models are showing the Jersey Shore will get most of the precipitation of this weekends storm. It can be more than a foot of snow or just a lot of freezing rain depending on how cold it will...
View Articleכי סגולה מיוחדת לפרנסה לומר את פרשת המן, שניים מקרא ואחד תרגום, ביום שלישי...
ובשם הרה"ק רבי מנחם מנדל מרימנוב מובא, כי סגולה מיוחדת לפרנסה לומר את פרשת המן, שניים מקרא ואחד תרגום, ביום שלישי בשבוע שקוראים בו פרשת בשלחיְהִי רָצוֹן מִלְּפָנֶיךָ יְיָ אֱלֹהֵינוּ וֵאלֹהֵי...
View ArticleDont blame our neighbors
Repost:Reader submitted via comment.How can we have taahnos on the Jackson board for not letting a school, while in a nearby development, a large one actually there are fun unzereh, chasuvim, that are...
View ArticleA Wawa store at Route 9 and prospect
It appears wawa inc plans on building a convenience store and gas station at the corner of rt 9 and prospect street. The plan is listed in the upcoming planning board meeting but will not be heard at...
View ArticleStory of Donald Trump and Lakewood couple resurfaces
Many in the media are talking about Donald Trumps generosity.In 1995 Donald Trump was traveling along a New Jersey highway when the limo in which he was traveling experienced a flat tire. Spotting the...
View ArticleStorm to bring major coastal flooding
Please be prepared if you live near the coast! Snow will arrive late Friday night and lasting through at least late Saturday night with heavy snow at times. Li/Coastal NJ could mix with or change to...
View ArticleAnd the reviews are in for the soft opening
Social media mumchim talking about their new shopping experience men HERE Ladies HEREFirst look: here is one review:They are already restocking some shelves.Verizon Service is poor 2-3 bars/dots.They...
View ArticleUpdated: Social media fabricates story about Lakewood yiddin
Lakewood Police "they both mutually agreed to participate in the incident. Poor judgement......yes,"LPD update on Facebook The Lakewood Police Department would like to thank all of you...
View ArticleTonight Bonei Olam event for ladies
Tonight Wednesday January 20th is the Bonei Olam Ladies auction at Lake Terrace hall. Doors open at 7:00 the program will begin at 8:30 pm. $20 admission fee includes $20 of tickets, door prize, and...
View ArticleOif Simches
Kallah Bas Harav Nosson Herzka (Rav- Pine River)- Chosson ben Harav Avrohom Ausband at Neeimas hachaim hall.
View ArticleTR torah center wins approval Plans for Route 9 Wawa, West Gate shul also...
The planning board approved the Toms River Torah center to build an addition on the home it now occupies on Seminole drive. Kelmwoods shul in Westgate according to "is proposed for an...
View ArticleLakewood snow predictions anyones guess
They haven't gotten it right in the past so it could be a mix of rain and snow or warmer ocean temps that will lead to lower accumulations. Others are saying 30 inches. The storm will start in NJ and...
View ArticleKollel Bnei Torah Melava Malka postponed due to weather
PLEASE NOTE NEW DATE: MOTZAEI SHABBOS PARSHAS MISHPATIM, FEBRUARY 6, 2016 Click HERE to donateKOLLEL BNEI TORAH Under the leadership of Rav Avrohom Lefkowitz...
View ArticleDue to impending storm the Eruvin may not be reliable
The blizzard and wind gusts expected in Lakewood and NJ may bring down an Eruv in your area ask your local Rabbonim weather you can rely on it this shabbos parshas beshalach shabbos Shira. Prepare for...
NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE TOWNSHIP OF LAKEWOOD COUNTY OF OCEAN, STATE OF NEW JERSEY click HEREOn January 21, 2016 at 7:30 P.M. at the Lakewood Township Municipal Building, 231 Third Street, Lakewood, New...
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