Heading to the Catskills? general info
Lakewood residents heading up to the Catskill mountains for the weekend some information to keep in mind.- Sign up HERE for Roadinform or simply go HERE on your mobile device.-Notice The changes at...
View ArticleState passes Lakewood busing bill
Assuming all goes as planned there will be courtesy bussing for next year and perhaps thereafter. The NJ Senate voted for a pilot program tailored for Lakewood that will give the private schools...
View ArticleOif Simchas
-Chaim Handler-Adeena Taub- wedding at Ateres Reva hall, Lakewood-Mordechai Pirutinsky- Leah Glieberman wedding at Neeimas Hachaim hall -Munk(Passaic) - Braun( Toronto) wedding at Lake terrace hall
View ArticleLakewood's Mohel Rabbi Mordechai Mozes Thanks the community for 50 years...
After serving the community for fifty years and performing thousands of Bris milah's Lakewoods veteran premier Mohel Rabbi Mordechai Mozes, while no longer a practicing mohel he will be undertaking a...
View ArticleIts Lakewood so lets have fun
The vitriolic blame, hate and lies just keeps on popping up across social media as same old myths lies and fabrications are spread about the orthodox community of Lakewood. Its embarrassing for the...
View ArticleAgudath Israel Hails New Jersey's 2017 Budget
Agudath Israel of America welcomed New Jersey's 2017 budget, signed into law yesterday by Governor Chris Christie. The budget's highlights include increased state aid for private and parochial schools...
View ArticleLakewood, NJ ערב שבת פרשת שלח שבת מברכים חודש תמוז
Zmanim for Lakewood, NJ Friday, July 1, 2016 / כ"ה סיון תשע"וCandle lighting 8:11 pmShkia 8:29 pmLatest shema Gra 9:16 amRosh Chodesh Tamuz Wednesday and Thursday Molad is Tuesday night (July 5) 12:28...
View ArticleLkwd news
-Please daven for for Nechama bas Sara Devorah Young Lakewood mother who needs tefilos.-Article on Lakewood Shomrim in APP-Township manager shuts down "eyesore" Yeshiva in Lakewood
View ArticleBD"E
Petira of Mrs. Rose Goldberg a'h she was in her mid nineties lived on Forest avenue in Lakewood. Levaya will take place 12:00 pm at the 7th street chapel Kevura is in Clifton NJ.
View ArticleLakewood July 4th Fireworks
-Lakewood Township will be having its Annual Independence Day celebration on Sunday, July 3, 2016. There will be a concert by The Wilbur Wittemann Patriotic Band at 7:30pm at the Lakewood Amphitheater...
View ArticleLakewood links
-Going there but not going there "Nisht oif shabbos geredt"-Shaimos alert: Center of Town ad pg 117 in current issue of The voice of Lakewood-Affordable housing: Group brings "tiny house" to Lakewood's...
View ArticleShiva info Mrs. Rose Goldberg a''h
Shiva for Mrs. Rose Goldberg a''h רחל בת אברהם לייב is at 950 Forest avenue in Lakewood between 9th and 10th street. Getting up from Shiva Friday July 8. At the Levaya the Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva Harav...
View ArticleCory Booker no longer denying he's being vetted as Hillary Clinton's VP pick
CBS-New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker this weekend went from flatly denying he's under consideration to referring questions about vetting to the Clinton campaign. "I'm just referring questions about the vice...
View ArticleOif Simchas
Gross - Scheinbaumin - wedding at Lakewood cheder Levin- Feiner wedding at Neeimas Hachaim hall in LakewoodBernstein- Mandelcorn wedding at Ateres Chana hall alkewood
View ArticlePhotos: Harav Chaim Walkin visits Lakewood
Harav Chaim Walkin shlita mashgiach of yeshiva Ateres Yisrael in Eretz Yisrael came to America for a granddaughters chasunah. He was in Lakewood and paid a visit to the home of The Rosh Yeshiva Rav...
View ArticleRav Meir Mazuz visits Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva
Rav Meir Mazuz a leading Sephardic rabbi in Eretz Yisrael leader of the Tunisian Jewish community founder and Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Kisei Rachamim in Bnei Brak. He authored many sefarim. For kabolas...
View ArticleLDC cancels meeting
Once again the Lakewood development corporation cancels its scheduled monthly meeting. A notice on the township website says the July 5,2016 meeting of the Lakewood Development Corporation has been...
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