More options ease late appointments
New Belz MikvaCompared to the past few years the late night mikva appointments have improved somewhat. The opening of New Hampshire location has eased the burden on other locations helping people get...
View ArticleYom Kippur Katan minyanim erev rosh chodesh Tamuz
Somerset walk 1:35 and 7:00 pmKol shimshon at 1:45BM Kelmwoods 2:45Satmar 1:40 , 2:30, 3:30, 4:30Chateu park 6:30Hearthstone 7:15
View ArticleLakewood Planning board meeting today
Lakewood planing board meeting today Tuesday July 5,2016 at 6:00 pm Municipal Building - AuditoriumPLAN REVIEW ITEMS*1. SD 2143 Kikar Shabbos LLC Monmouth Ave & Fourth Street Block 160, Lot...
View ArticleOif Simchas
-Vort: Hachosson Avrohom Yeshaya Schnurmann to Kallah Elisheva Leib tonight at Ateres Yeshsaya hall, Lakewood 7:30 pm.-Vort: Chosson Shimon Kamemetzky to Kallah bas R' Yisroel Solomom(Staten Island) at...
View ArticleHeat advisory in effect as heat wave expected in NJ
After escaping high heat over the Fourth of July weekend, temperatures soar into the 90s F and humidity levels will climb for the middle and latter part of the week. "An official heat wave is likely to...
View ArticleMasa Umatan Rental list
The Rental List is a very popular feature in Masa U'Matan Click HERE for the current list.
View ArticleStill no traffic signal at Pine and MLK
Ten intersections in Lakewood will be receiving traffic signals, Prospect and Cross, Prospect and Williams, Miller and Hope, Prospect street east of the Special childrens center,Cross street near Eagle...
View ArticleHillary: Trump did not make furniture in Lakewood, NJ
Name dropping Lakewood.At her stump speech in Atlantic City, NJ today, Hillary Clinton slammed Donald Trump for not being there for American workers. She said Trump furniture is maid in Turkey instead...
View ArticleOif Simchas- Rosh Chodesh Tamuz
-Hisvadus Chasidim with Rav Leima Wilhelm 6 Bartenura Ct Lakewood 9:30 -Vort: Chosson Akiva Ben R' Dan Greenberg Kallah Devorah Bas R Ahron Yechiel Chapler 7:30 pm at Orchos Chaim Hall Oberlin...
View ArticleLakewood Planing board denies change of use for a yeshiva to open
Last week a yeshiva operating in a residential area was shut down by Lakewood township. The township manager said he shut down the yeshiva after he was contacted by the APP about neighbors complaints...
View ArticleWhats on sale?
Seasons Farm Fresh Kosher West Aisle 9 Gourmet Glatt Kosher VillageFoodeX NPGS Shloimys Kosher world
View ArticleAsifas zikaron and Yartzheit of Rav Shneur Kotler Zatzal - Hakomas Matzeiva...
This shabbos 3 Tamuz will be the 34th Yartzheit of The Lakewood Rosh yeshiva Harav Yosef Chaim Shneur Kotler zatzal. Tonight Thursday evening there will be hespedim in the yeshiva delivered by Rav...
View ArticleTonight Lakewood township committee meeting
Thu, July 7, 7:30pm – 8:30pm Municipal Building - AuditoriumORDINANCES FIRST READING – Second Reading and Public Hearing to beheld on July 21, 2016 -Agenda HERE.1. A Capital Ordinance of the Township...
View ArticleShmuli's Grill & Smokehouse closes
A sign on the door of Shmuli's Grill & Smokehouse says, the store is closed, perhaps only temporary or closed for good. first it was Yiddie's that closed and now Shmulis. A reflection of the tough...
View ArticleOif Simches
Pollack- Hess wedding at Ateres Chana hallLevovitz- Wiederman wedding at Lake TerraceSalel- Nierenberg at Neeimas Hachaim hall Lakewood
View ArticleTownship promises openness and transparency going forward at Master plan...
The newly formed master plan committee, going forward, will be open to the public, that is what committeeman Lichtenstein liaison to the committee said at last nights township meeting. A local resident...
View ArticleAgudah joins Lakewood yeshiva in suit against Ocean Township zoning board
Agudath Israel to NJ Federal Court: Ocean Township Zoning Board Violates Yeshiva’s Rights: In a federal lawsuit pitting a major yeshiva against a local zoning board, Agudath Israel of America is...
View ArticleLPD: wanted person
On July 7th at approximately 11:15 pm. Officer Kevin Seunath encountered a group of men walking along Country Club Drive after receiving a complaint of suspicious activity from a concerned citizen....
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