Courtesy busing referendum voted down by 98%
View results HERE votesYes108 1.41% No7,561 98.59% As polls closed the busing referendum was voted down by over 98% of Lakewood residents who voted. voter turnout was at 17.82 %. This...
View ArticleReferendum voted down, now what?
The big question is now what? the referendum that cost the tax payers tens of thousands of dollars was shot down by over 98% of voters. As it stands now courtesy busing is said to end on February 23rd....
View ArticleOpposition to the smart growth plan
Lakewood is seeking an endorsement from the State this morning to move forward with high density growth in specific areas neighboring town look to oppose and start a letter writing campaign.Tuesday,...
View ArticleDPW head resigns, workers stay on no action by tough talking mayor
According to a report in the "The township's public works director has resigned from his post. Alvin Burdge submitted his resignation Tuesday amid ongoing criticism of his department's...
View ArticleInterpeting the speech
A person hears what he wants to hear. Read this article from The times of Israel on the Rechnitz speech.This is not just a clarion issue for Lakewood. Rechnitz has exposed the failings of Hareidi...
View ArticleRosh Mossad responds
LETTER circulating on FB In Response to the Confusion of Sunday Night’s Fiery Speech Jan 27 2016 8:58 am The recent speech given by the philanthropist Reb Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz in Lakewood drew a...
View ArticleWhat changed
Recently tls wrote if your looking for shmutz or LH don't come to us you got the wrong address. The article did not mention the tls Facebook page which has been used as a lkwd bashing forum. To their...
View ArticlePost storm
It was all a rumor. Rumor that the township plowed for the event on Lake terrace is not true. It was paid with private funds.Lakewood Chaveirim, storm stats: Dispatchers and members responded to 744...
View ArticleBOE Special Meeting Notice
BOE Special Meeting Notice - Thursday, February 11, 2016 at 7:30 pm in the Lakewood High School Commons. The purpose is to discuss the failed Referendum and the next steps toward a solution to the...
View ArticleVideo: Mosdos bidding for their schools at Township property auction
Video by First amendment activist
View ArticleMasa Umatan rental list
The Rental List is a very popular feature in Masa U'Matan Click HERE for the current list
View ArticleMidwinter break begins
Talk about timing after having off for a few days because of snow, some schools begin mid winter vacation this afternoon. -Sky zone trampoline park boys jump only today January 28 Sign in 2:15- 3:00...
View Article10,000 cars could hit township streets during the morning and afternoon rush
After the total rejection of the state monitor at the polls and his failed referendum Lakewood police chief Rob Lawson is expecting 10,000 cars could hit township streets during the morning and...
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