R' S. Y. Rechnitz, apoligizes, removes himself from Lakewood schooling issue...
Reb Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz Issued a clarification letter regarding the speech he gave to Lakewood it was posted on Matzav.Dear Readers, As there is a lot of confusion regarding my speech, I would like...
View Article"Anyone using my comments to support their own ulterior agendas are twisting...
Attention, Yair Hoffman, YWN, VIN and all other Lakewood bashers who were gleeful to use the speech made by Rechnitz and bash the ihr haTorah owes an apology to the entire Lakewood Tzibbur. The...
View ArticleReports of an earthquake in Ocean county and across south NJ
Updated: The U.S. Geological Survey confirms that today's rumblings were not from an earthquake, but from a sonic boom.. The USGS is investigating click HEREAccording to the United States Geological...
View ArticleTownship nets $4,500,000 in public land auction
Lakewood, NJ, Township municipal coffers are nearly $4,500,000 richer after the recent public auction of much coveted land in the Oak Street school corridor. The Township received buyers’ deposits...
View ArticleBaruch Dayan Ha’emes: Hagaon Harav Chaim Yisroel Belsky, zt”l
It is with hearts full of sadness and grief that we report the passing of Hagaon Rav Chaim Yisroel Belsky zt”l, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Torah Vodaas in Kensington, Brooklyn. He was 78 years old. The...
View ArticlePetira of Rav Yaakov Gartenhouse Z'L
The levaya of Rav Yakov Gartenhouse Z'L father of Reb Nisan and Reb Avrohom will take place today at Shomrei hachomos 4218 ft. Hamilton parkwayy Brooklyn NY 12.00pm
View ArticleBus from Lakewood to the Levaya of Rav Belsky zatzal
A Bus left from the Irvington 10th and Clifton, Lakewood to the Levaya of Harav Yisrael Belsky Zatzal at 8:30The levaya will be broadcast live on J Root Radio 95.1 FM or call into 712-432-4217
View ArticleSnow Melts in Lakewood, Frustration Remains
An article in Hamodia about the disastrous response by the township to the snow storm. Hamodia Even as snow steadily receded throughout the week, nuisances and aggravation over what was labeled a...
View ArticleShabbos walkers should be careful, as snow still covers walkways
With the streets cleared and snow gone the sidewalks and shoulders of the roads are still covered in snow forcing pedestrians on to the roadways. The township and homeowners are responsible to clear...
View ArticleThe conversation begins
After all the controversy surrounding 'the speech' it is already having an impact. It was the conversation that drew passionate responses and opinions but all agree that the system has to be fixed. No...
View ArticleThe shoresh of the problem is our growth Ka''h
The Rosh Yeshiva of woodlake Harav Uren Reich shlita spoke erev shabbos addressed the speech and issues at hand. While heaping praise on his yedid for bringing up the ramah of hachzokas haTorah...
View ArticleAre we not allowed to walk?
Today was a very busy and active day in Lakewood. Midwinter vacation, girls off from school nice weather and thousands of families were out and about shopping, doing errands and going on mini family...
View ArticleSiyum Yartzheit for the Manchester Rosh Yeshiva Zatzal
There will be an atzeres zikaron marking the yartzheit of the Manchester Rosh Yeshiva Harav Yehuda Zev Segal ZT""L. Tonight Sunday 10:15 pm. @ zichron shneur on Oak knoll. Rav Yisroel Reisman Rav of...
View ArticleRich Roberts addresses the speech
From Only Simchas The Following was written by by Richard H. Roberts, M.D., Ph.D.I have never spoken with Reb Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz, nor heard him speak, until a video of his speech last week...
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