Busing Frustration why does courtesy come before mandated
A month into the school year parents of private schools are upset and frustrated, they still do not have busing. Parents of children who have mandated busing want to know why preference was given to...
View ArticleLIC discuss security concerns regarding events at stadium
The Lakewood township never brought it up publicly,since the LIC, (Lakewood Industrial commission) is in charge of the stadium. In a recent meeting the commission discussed the rock festivals which are...
View ArticleVideo: US 9 Corridor Study Meeting Lakewood NJ 09 28 16
Video courtesy of First Amendment activist
View ArticleOif Simchas-events Sep 29 Lkwd
-Vort: Hachoosn Yosef Dov Lichtenstein benYitzchok Abba (monsey) to Kalla Bas R Dovid Zecharya Neuman at Ateres Yeshaya hall 7:0 pm-Parlor meeting: for a local Mishpacha, At the tent located at East...
View ArticleVideo: Asifa in BMG against smartphones Erev Rosh Hashana 5777
Rav Malkiel Kotler13:50 Rav Mattisyahu Solomon 28:00 Rav Ephraim Wachsman
View ArticleSetting the stage- traffic alert
A large music festival will take place starting today through Sunday night in Lakewood at First Energy Park in the blue claws stadium. Expect traffic, and police activity in the area.Photos: Tommy...
View Articleאבינו מלכנו חמול עלינו ועל עוללנו וטפינו
Erev Rosh Hashana and still many children not in schools they are karbanos caught up in power struggles and used as pawns in a game. 5 girls still not in high school9 girls not in elementary school...
View ArticleAgudah letter thanking for helping with Lakewood busing.
Leter was written 4 weeks ago before the busing fiasco was apparent. lets hope in the end it will all work itself out.Dear Friends,Yeyasher kochachem, congratulations, thank you!As you probably know,...
View ArticleZmanim Lakewood ערב שבת פרשת נצבים
Friday, September 30, 2016 / כ"ז אלול תשע"וCandle lighting 6:21Shkiah 6:39Shabbos weather Rain- high of 67 פרשת ׳ניצבים׳ נקראת תמיד בערב ראש השנה, כדי להנחיל מסר חשוב: ״אתם ניצבים היום כולכם״ - כשאתם...
View ArticleLakewood charter school approved
APP- New charter schools for children of the Lakewood, Asbury Park and Neptune school districts have won the state’s approval to proceed with plans to open next September. Ocean Academy Charter School...
View ArticleRock Festival music schedule
The music at the First energy park concert in Lakewood can be heard loud and clear across Lakewood as far as 2 miles beyond the stadium. Children were kept up late Friday night as the music blared and...
View ArticleSelichos Erev Rosh Hashana Lakewood
Bais Medrash Latorah Goldblatts 10:30 pm 12:30 AM 6th and MadisonStamford Meadows Selichos Motzei Shabbos - 12:50 amOhr Mattisyahu Selichos Sunday Erev Rosh Hashana 7:45BMG 6:30 amLev Avos 7:00 am481...
View ArticleGroup from Panama visits the Lakewood Mashgiach ahead of Yomim Noraim
Lakewood mashgiach Rabbi Matisyahu Salomon with Rabbi David Perets and group from Panama they spent last week in Lakewood getting a spiritual boost during Elul preparing for the Yom Hadin
View ArticleShehechiyanu fruit at seasons and how to cut a Rimon
Watch video below A video posted by seasons lakewood (@seasonslakewood) on Sep 29, 2016 at 4:16pm PDTwatch below how to cut a pomegranate
View ArticleRosh Hashana info Lakewood
ShofarTo Hear shofar blowing at Kimbal hospital in Lakewood call 732-364-3441 before YT or leave a message at the front desk. se below for list of tkias shofar for ladiesMikvaMain Mikva at 11th and...
View ArticleWaiting to put up your sukkah?
Its been raining over the last few days and the weather forecast for today Sunday Erev Rosh Hashana calls for more rain, However after R''H there is no rain until shabbos the forecast for Tzom Gedlaya...
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