Tax dollars: Lakewood BOE meeting today
BOE meeting today PUBLIC MEETING – 6:30 P.M. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2016 855 SOMERSET AVENUE Agenda HERETax dollars:-$414,835.47 December 2016 Cafeteria bill -$403,520.59 October 2016 Cafeteria...
View ArticleDid you get your Flu shot
The Flu virus is going around Lakewood now. One out of 4 patients visiting the doctor is diagnosed with influenza according to a Lakewood pediatrician. This year doctors are not giving the vaccine...
View ArticleOif Simches/Events Lakewood Dec 14
-Chasuna: Gross- Kellner at Ateres Chana hall-Chasuna: Pick- Klein at Ateres Reva hall-Shmuz- Yeshiva Staten Island Alumni Rav Reuven Feinstein shlita at 606 9th street 7:20 pm-parlor meeting for...
View ArticleRay Coles to be mayor of Lakewood for 2017
unconfirmed Report: VAAD gives Mike Delia the boot. Puts in Democrat Ray Coles to do as they say. It was understood that Mike Delia would be our next mayor . But it seems that his agreement with take...
View ArticleMasa U'Matan Lakewood Rental List Dec 14, 2016
Masa U'Matan Lakewood Rental List of Wednesday, Dec. 14, 2016 HERE 16 pages!
View ArticleCold weather brings more cars to Clustered bus stops in Lakewood
The cold weather is here but for the Lakewood kids it means driving by car to the bus stops. The new busing system eliminated the close to home bus stops forcing parents to cluster at the main roads....
View ArticleHelp a Lakewood youngerman
Donate HereA few weeks ago a young father living in Lakewood learning in kollel, began feeling flu-like symptoms. After a routine checkup it was sadly discovered that he has...
View ArticleMore on the 2017 Lakewood Mayor position
Submitted via comment. Not verified for accuracy or confirmed. You're unconfirmed report can be moved to the confirmed side. Here is how it hacppened:Monday night there was a meeting of the Republican...
View ArticleLakewood township cancels committee meeting, rescheduled for 3 pm next week
Perhaps, the township wants to make it easier for the public to attend during bein hasdorim. The bi weekly Thursday night meeting was canceled and rescheduled for Thursday December 22, 2016 at 3:00...
View ArticleSimchas/Events Lakewood Dec 15 2016
-Wedding: Rockowski- Kushner at Lake Terrace hall-Vort of Hachosson Menashe Czermak at Madison manor 401 Madison-Bar Mitzva son of R' Leibish Heller tonight at Ateres Yeshaya 9:15pm-Parlor meeting to...
View ArticleShiva info
Shiva For Rebbetzin Tzivia Helberg z"l Rav Pinchos and Rav Avrohom Helberg will be sitting shiva in Lakewood from 8:30 pm till 11:15 pm on motzoei Shabbos, and from 8:30am till 10:30am on Sunday...
View ArticleK'hal Zichron Yaakov Lakewood annual melava Malka
K'hal Zichron Yaakov Rav Shlomo Gissinger Shlita, Mara D'AsraANNUAL MELAVA MALKA at the Khal Zichron Yaakov Ateres Avraham Simcha Hall 175 Sunset Road Lakewood, NJ 08701Motzoei Shabbos Parshas...
View ArticleZmanim Lakewood ערב שבת פרשת וישלח
Erev Shabbos traffic @ Lakewood sister city of Bnei BrakShabbos Parshas Vayishlach Friday, December 16, 2016 / ט"ז כסלו תשע"ז Lakewood, NJCandle lighting 4:14 pmShkia: 4:32 pmweather Friday night snow...
View ArticleMelava Malka Motzei Shabbos Parshas Vayishlach 5777 Lakewood
-Khal Zichron Yaakov R' Gissinger shul annual Melava Malka at 175 Sunset 7:30pm Kumzitz with Simcha Leiner 8:00-8:30-Tiferes Devorah Lekalla annual Melava Malka Dinner at Ateres Chana hall 8:30 kumzits...
View ArticleVideo: Master plan parks & Open space subcommittee
29:30 Why is township selling lots and not preserving for parks and open space.
View ArticleOif Simches Lakewood Dec 18
-Vort: Hachosson Yaakov Stefansky to Hakkalah Rochel Leah Matz ( MIami) at 32 Irene court Lakewood-CHasuna: Kaplan- Halpern at Ateres Reva-Chasuna: Britrus- Abramson at Ateres Chana hall at Bais...
View ArticleDr. Shanik- Zika Travel ban still in effect for Miami Dade county until next...
In a Letter dated December 12, 2016 Lakewood pediatrician Dr. Shanik wrote there is still a travel ban to Certain areas of Florida. "While there have been no new cases of Zika Virus in the last 45 days...
View ArticleStill a yeshiva town
As the town grows and more people move in it no longer is a exclusive yeshiva community. There were pictures recently circulating on social media, of a birthday party held in Lakewood for a 1 year old....
View ArticleOif Simchas/ events Lkwd Dec 19
-Chasuna: Abitbol- Ohayon at Ateres Reva hall-Chasuna: Dick- Abraham at Ateres CHana hall Bais Faiga-Wedding: Neuman- Trenk at N'eemas Hachaim hall Lakewood-Hisvaduss Yat Kislev R' Nosson Gourarrie...
View ArticleLFD: Switches website, starts posting minutes of meetings
The Lakewood Fire district closed its own website that used to be at and is now hosted on which is run by Koerner & Koerner P.A an accounting firm in Toms...
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