-Melava Malka Lakewood alumni of Yeshiva zichron Shmarahu Rav Chaim Mendel Brodsky at KZY 175 Sunset 8:30 pm
-B''M Ohr yechezkel annual shul Melava Malka 307 Ridge avenue
- Peekskil yeshiva- Yahrtzeit Seuda L'zecher R' Yankel Nathan Z'l this Motzei
Shabbos at Eizokovitch 636 7th street, Lakewood 9:15.
-Albert shul This Motzai Shabbos will be the Grand Melava Malka for Avos Ubanim. 7:15
-Lakewood Cheder/Bais Faiga Chinese auction Fountain Ballroom 8:15
-LFD fire elections see HERE about voting
-B''M Ohr yechezkel annual shul Melava Malka 307 Ridge avenue
- Peekskil yeshiva- Yahrtzeit Seuda L'zecher R' Yankel Nathan Z'l this Motzei
Shabbos at Eizokovitch 636 7th street, Lakewood 9:15.
-Albert shul This Motzai Shabbos will be the Grand Melava Malka for Avos Ubanim. 7:15
-Lakewood Cheder/Bais Faiga Chinese auction Fountain Ballroom 8:15
-LFD fire elections see HERE about voting