- Shiva info Mishpachas Hirth Miss Malky Hirth z"l
400 3rd street between Forest & Madison, Lakewood
Shachris 8:00am Mincha 1:45 pm Maariv 8:45 pm. The father Reb Shmuel is getting up from shiva on Thursday morning, everyone else is getting up on Wednesday morning.
-Daf Yomi begins Perek Chezkas Habatim today call in listen live to Lkwd Daf Yomi shiur 7124321212;886847294
-BMG Kollel members of Lakewood yeshiva received a bonus check sponsored by Mr. Raphael Herzka in the memory of his father a''h whose Yartzheit was last week.
400 3rd street between Forest & Madison, Lakewood
Shachris 8:00am Mincha 1:45 pm Maariv 8:45 pm. The father Reb Shmuel is getting up from shiva on Thursday morning, everyone else is getting up on Wednesday morning.
-Daf Yomi begins Perek Chezkas Habatim today call in listen live to Lkwd Daf Yomi shiur 7124321212;886847294
-BMG Kollel members of Lakewood yeshiva received a bonus check sponsored by Mr. Raphael Herzka in the memory of his father a''h whose Yartzheit was last week.