Turx responds: Trump misunderstood me my question was legitimate
After the fall out with President Trump Ami White-house correspondent Jake Turx speaks to Israel website BHOL. He said the president misunderstood the question and did not let him finish. The question...
View ArticleThe Billboard gamble
The billboard resolution for Lakewood township was taken off the table for now. Residents spoke up about the dangers of digital billboards and pointed to many studies that show an increase of traffic...
View ArticleRetailer drops Return Policy That Targeted Lakewood, Passaic
TRENTON – An online children's clothing retailer has agreed to drop its policy of not offering refunds for orders originating in Lakewood, the state attorney general's office said Thursday.Shan and...
View ArticleHamodia: “A Day Without Immigrants” in Lakewood
Hamodia.com reports on “A Day Without Immigrants” in LakewoodLAKEWOOD - As immigrants across America stayed home from work and rallied in protest of the Trump administration’s crackdown on illegal...
View ArticleNo BOE busing today
Lakewood public Schools are Closed today for- Presidents' Day weekend. The BOE buses contracted for the LSTA will not be running today.
View Article@The Jewish Sales All the local Lakewood Sales in one place
Help reach 1k followers today . The Jewish Sales All the local Lakewood Sales in one place follow on Twitter @Jewishsales see website HEREAnyone that follows @jewishsales on twitter will be entered...
View ArticleAmi to NYT: It was a very disheartening moment for us, to watch him being...
Now the New York Times joined the Turz bandwagonNYT- A Jewish Reporter Got to Ask Trump a Question. It Didn’t Go Well. Jake Turx is a newly minted White House correspondent for a publication that has...
View ArticleLakewood Zmanim ערב שבת פרשת יתרו
וָאֶשָּׂא אֶתְכֶם עַל כַּנְפֵי נְשָׁרִים וָאָבִא אֶתְכֶם אֵלָיFriday, February 17, 2017 / כ"א שבט תשע"ז Lakewood, NJCandle lighting: 5:17 pmShkiah /sunset: 5:35 pmweather...
View ArticleAPP: Lakewood Residents to sue township over cedarbridge
APP- Residents in Pine River Village say they plan to file a Superior Court lawsuit to halt the project, claiming that the town didn't properly notify residents when it approved retail at Cedarbridge...
View ArticleMotzei Shabbos Parshas Yisro Lakewood
-Melava Malka Lakewood alumni of Yeshiva zichron Shmarahu Rav Chaim Mendel Brodsky at KZY 175 Sunset 8:30 pm-B''M Ohr yechezkel annual shul Melava Malka 307 Ridge avenue- Peekskil yeshiva- Yahrtzeit...
View ArticleLkwd News briefs Sunday Feb 19, 2017
- Shiva info Mishpachas Hirth Miss Malky Hirth z"l 400 3rd street between Forest & Madison, LakewoodShachris 8:00am Mincha 1:45 pm Maariv 8:45 pm. The father Reb Shmuel is getting up from shiva on...
View ArticleFebruary or Spring?
Will we still see snow? can we put away the shovels? Residents are taking advantage of the warm weather, staying outdoors. The warm weather in mid February will not last long, say meteorologists. New...
View ArticleAudio: Ami Mag Editor talks Trump- Turx with Brian Lehrer on WNYC
Interview starts at minute mark 05:00Rabbi Yitzchok Frankfurter, founder and editor in chief of Ami Magazine, an Orthodox Jewish weekly based in Brooklyn, Jane Eisner, editor-in-chief of The Forward,...
View ArticleBDE Reb Meir Rose Z''L
BDH: Petirah of Hrhc"h R' Meir ben R 'Moshe Rose Z''L from BP he sffered a heart attack he was 68 years old. He Recently relocated to Lakewood and lived at Pine River Village. Reb Meir was close with...
View ArticleLakewood shuttle no Westgate route today
Lakewood Shuttle.No westgate routes from 4:00 today. Sorry for the inconvenience. Please spread the word of anyone you know plans on taking the bus. Follow on Twitter @LakewoodShuttle
View ArticleOif Simchas/ events Lakewood, NJ Feb, 19, 2017
-Vort: Hachosson Shmuel Sorotzkin Ben Rav Yitzchock Shlita to Kallah Faiga Chaya Zaks Bas R' Hillel at Rav Forcheimers shul simcha hall 418 5th St Bet Forest & Madison, Lakewood, NJ 7:30 pm-Vort:...
View ArticlePresidents day Feb,20, 2017
-It is a federal holiday, all federal offices, including the Post Office, are closed-Lakewood Township Municipal Offices are closed on Monday, February 20, -Kolell bus to Manhattan on regular...
View ArticleYoshon information for Lakewood establishments from the Guide to Chodosh
From the Guide to Chodosh download HERE free of charge donations accepted and are tax deductible. Please make out your checks to Project Chodosh and mail to Mrs. C. Rosskamm, 963 Armstrong Ave, Staten...
View ArticleLPD: Controlled burn
There is a controlled burn today at Lake Shenandoah Park. Expect heavy smoke conditions around Lakewood
View ArticleTax assesment mailed out to Lakewood residents
Forget Traffic for a minute Taxes are also a big problem. The Lakewood Tax assessors office mailed out the property tax assessments for 2017. The assessment some how was sent out later than usual it...
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