Oif Simchas Lakewood October 1, 2017
-Vort of Hachosson Yaakov Teitz to Kallah Nechama Winkler Bas R' Dovid at 36 St Nicholas Lakewood, NJ 7:30 pm-Engagements:Chosson Moshe Willhelm ( Lakewood) to Kallah Bas R' Shmuel...
View ArticleVoice Rewards Program Will be Phased Out
The Voice Rewards program for Lakewood stores will be phased out over the next month, participants will still be able to redeem their points until Pesach of 5778. The rewards program was initiated by...
View ArticleWatsonsale Sukkos Shopping Lakewood 5778
Click on following links for store specials:EvergreenSeasons Kosher West Aisle 9Gourmet Glatt Kosher VillageFoodeX NPGSShloimys Kosher world SuperstopFarm FreshDaled Minim/Sukka:-BMG Shuk 7th...
View ArticleLakewood Youngeleit to Found Community Kollel in Berlin
Hamodia- By Mordechai WincornIn the coming weeks, a group of yungeleit from Beth Medrash Govoha will be leaving Lakewood to establish a new kollel in Berlin, Germany, with the goal of infusing the...
View ArticleTBL: Master Plan Scheme Unraveling Committee Desperate to Pass it
TakeBacklakewood-The Planning Board and Township Committee are desperate to get this passed ASAP but they won't explain why. They are scheduled for a vote Tuesday night October 3rd. They are hoping to...
View ArticleLakewood Zoning Board Meeting Tonight
ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OCTOBER 2, 2017AGENDA 7:00 P.M. Town hall Municipal buildingAppeal # 4010 – Congregation Meoros Nosson, 419 5th Street, Block 69 Lot 5 – R-OP zone - InterpretationAppeal #...
View ArticleState makes Lakewood Give up on Widening Route 9 With Adoption of Masterplan
FAA: On Oct 3rd, the Planning Board will vote on the Master Plan.As part of the Master Plan, Lakewood needed to agree that the State will not provide funds to dualize Rt. 9 for the forseEable...
View ArticleThe spin and cover up is on for the Route 9 Fiasco, ahead of the Master plan...
Widening of Route 9 has been used a a dangling card by the Vaad and Township officials as an empty promise for over 40 years to get votes for themselves and their candidates. With the heat on and major...
View ArticleOfficials try to Deceive Lakewood Residents, Lies exposed
TBL: Why are TLS and Ray Coles and Meir Lichtenstein (and AK) so desperate to get this Master Plan passed that they will even sign away any chance of getting Route 9 widened?WHY???? (Answer - Eagle...
View ArticleJune 2016 "Township determined that it is not in the best Interest of the...
see post at TBL- Why the billboards should not have been approvedAt the June 16, 2016 township committee meeting, the township committee passed resolution 2016-271 rejecting the winning Elray bid for...
View ArticleGov. Christie would Consider Amnesty
Christie spoke to NJ101.5 Radio If that money is returned and people are truly repentant, I'd be willing to consider it.
View ArticleBlame the Lakewood Township Committee not the Boards
Blame the Committee not just the Boards While many are upset at the Planning and Zoning boards the ones who you should direct your anger is the Lakewood Township committee members. The boards are not...
View ArticleWatch Live Stream of Master Plan Vote at the Lakewood Planning Board meeting
LINK REMOVED FROM TOWNSHIP WEBSITEWatch herehttp://townhallstreams.com/stream.php?location_id=88&id=13209
View ArticleLakewood Planning Board votes to amend and make a new masterplan with changes
Confusion chaos and Circus like atmosphere is what went on at the planning board as members could not figure out what is written in the plan. They proposed motion after motion decided if to table it...
View ArticleTBL: Details of New Masterplan
Take Back Lakewood: In what can only be described as a tremendous win, many significant changes occurred tonight at the Planning Board.The Board did NOT vote to approve the plan tonight as is (much to...
View ArticleLakewood Rabbonim address Eruv in East Lakewood
In Response to a letter HERE (see below) by a Posek from Brooklyn stating the kashrus of an Eruv in East Lakewood, Local Rabbonim respond with a letter stating you can only carry in certain areas.
View ArticleErev sukkos, a busy day for men
(Submitted via comment)Talk about Erev Pesach the pressure of getting ready for the Seder, making sure there is no chometz, turning over the kitchen, cooking the zeroa, making charoses etc. Men usually...
View ArticleLakewood Zeman I'm Erev Success 5778
ופרוש עלינו סוכת שלומךErev Succos 14 Tishrei 5778/October 4, 2017 Wednesday, October 4, 2017 / י״ד תשרי תשע״חIMPORTANT REMINDERPrepare עירוב תבשילין prior to Yom TovCandle lighting 6:15pmShkiah 6:33...
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