APP Endorsement: Guadagno Best choice for Governor
Even the Liberal APP endorsed Republican Kim Guadago for NJ Governor over Democrat Phil Murphy. The paper says "She is best equipped, through experience and a fiscally conservative governing...
View ArticleLakewood Store Updates
Grand opening: Sushi Nation at Chateau plaza 916 river avenueGluten Freedom at Cross River Mils 200 River Avenue unit 10DNPGS 4th location at Seagull SquareTorah Treasures new expanded store on 2nd...
View ArticleFAA: More on the Master plan Vote claim: Member switched vote-TBL: The seniors are allocating tremendous financial and legal resources toward fighting the numerous legal issues that plague the...
View ArticleLakewood Township cancels Committee meeting until day after Elections
The scheduled Lakewood Township committee meeting of November 2nd was canceled and rescheduled until November 8 the day after the general elections. The committee was expected to vote on ordinances...
View ArticleOif Simchas Lakewood October 29, 2017
-Vort: Hachsson Dovid Singer to Hakallah Pesil Gittel Rosenbaum Bas Reb Itcheh at Yeshiva Ktana hall 120 second street Lakewood, NJ 7:00pm-Vort: Hachosson Eli Halpert to Kallah Bas R' Dovid Rokove...
View ArticleAccident knocks out Power on James Street
Updated: Estimated restoration at 4:30 pmOver 1500 JCP&L costumers in The James street area in Lakewood are without power after a truck knocked down a utility pole. power is expected to be restored...
View Article"Unity in Lakewood" contest winner displayed on the Billboard
Well its not just ads that are displayed on the digital billboard.The Lakewood Board of Education is excited to announce its “Unity in Lakewood” art contest, which is open to all students in grades 6...
View ArticleOif Simchas Lakewood October 30, 2017
-Vort: Hachosson Dovid Nussbaum to Kallah Esty Einhorn at Bais Nosson Tzvi 1415 Willow Court corner 14th 8:00pm-Vort: Hachoson Chaim Bistrisky to Kallah Bas R' Mechy Mermelstein at Ateres Yeshaya hall...
View ArticleHarav Abba Brudny Shlita Joins Hanhala of BMG as Mashgiach
Hagaon Harav Abba Brudny Shlita will be Joining the Hanhala of Lakewood Yeshiva Bais Medrash Govoha and will serve as a Masgiach Ruchani to the Bnei Hayeshiva. As the Yeshiva keeps growing KA"H there...
Jacksonleaks.comThe point of this page is to share info with the public and to raise the questions that need to be asked.We will gladly take any information that anyone wants to share with us and we...
View ArticleAgudath Israel amends Lawsuit V Jackson, adds Eruv Ban
Jacksonleaks- Agudath Isreal has filed a motion to amend its lawsuit previously filed over ordinances adopted to ban schools and dormitories to include allegations that an ordinance which effectively...
View ArticleCoffee with Cosmo At Kava
Join the employees of Cosmo Insurance Agency at Kava Coffee for an educational seminar that will focus on the topics of: Health Insurance Open Enrollment 7:00 PM Coffee Bar & Pastries 7:45 PM...
View ArticleSilence Of The Vaad
In the next few days Lakewood residents will be inundated with robo calls mailings flyers and PR articles promoting the Vaad and its backed candidates for next weeks elections. They will tell you how...
View ArticleLakewood Planning Board Meeting tonight
Planning Board meeting tonight 6:00pm at municipal building. Keep in mindThe Lakewood Township Halloween Parade going on at Lakewood Town Square at 4:00pm.CORRESPONDENCE & ORDINANCES• SP 2219...
View ArticleOif Simchas Lakewood October 31, 2017
-Vort: Hachosson Shmuel Bernfeld to Hakallah Aliza Bernfeld at River Terrace 1094 River Ave Lakewood NJ 7:30pm-Chasuna: Rennert- Pereira at Ateres Reva hall-Chasuna: Strigowsky- Friedman Lake Terrace...
View ArticleSeasons Lakewood: Bring The Parsha Alive
Bring the Parsha alive in YOUR kitchen with a sweet treat for everyone to enjoy! Now, we're making it easier then ever!!! We present to you........ our series of Parsha Dessert Hacks.
View ArticleOcean County Superior Court Judge's Conduct Under Investigation
TOMS RIVER, NJ - Superior Court Judge John F. Russo Jr. was put on paid leave back in April after a series of incidents that resulted in him being asked to submit to a mental health evaluation,...
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