Sample Ballot of Vaad L'Toeles Harabim
Endorsements for Elections by the Vaad Letzorchei Tzibbur
View ArticleMincha/Maariv together minyanim in Lakewood
With the clock change and cold weather coming here is a list of shuls that daven Mincha followed by Maariv. Mincha usually starts 10- 15 minutes before shkiah followed by Maariv. Please list new or...
View ArticleOif Simchas/events Lakewood November 5th, 2017
-Vort: Hachosson Avrohom Yaakov Parnes Kallah Bas R' Yitzchok Zimmerman Ateres Yeshaya hall, Lakewood 5-9 pm-Vort: Hachosson Zev Arye Selengut to Hakallah Bas R' Moshe Pruzansky at Zichron...
View ArticleWhat the VAAD did not tell you about Phil Murphy's Running Mate.
In the Vaad election Pamphlet they made sure to bring up a lawsuit involving the Republican candidate for LT. Gov but failed to mention anything about the democrat LT. governor. As of January 2017, 16...
View ArticleVaad attacks Guadango but gives others a pass
The VAAD attacked Guadango for comments she made in a APP interview about the fraud investigations after they endorsed her for the primary elections. Yet local politicians who accused the innocent...
View ArticleVote with your Seichel
Article appeared in this weeks Yated Neeman NewspaperYated.comSeichel!By Rabbi Avrohom Birnbaum - Nov 1, 2017 Look closely at the issues, familiarize yourself with them, see what the politicians and...
View ArticleOif Simchas Lakewood November 6th, 2017
Chasuna: Ashkenazy- Greenwald Ne'emas Hachaim hallChasuna: Louk- Lankry at Fountain ballroom Lakewood Cheder
View ArticleToms River Jewish Community Council Elections Endorsements
TR residents representatives of various developments in a election letter to the community. The Lakewood Vaad extended its reach to Central Jersey areas but local cities outside of Lakewood are taking...
View ArticleA Diversion from the Real issues in Lakewood
The Vaad was silent during the Masterplan proceedings where hundreds of Lakewood residents spoke up. You would think there would be some statement or a sympathetic ear from the Lakewood (Central NJ)...
View ArticleOif Simchas/Events Lakewood November 7, 2017
-Asifas zikaron L'ilui nishmas Mrs. Nechama (Pam) Schwarzman a'h at Esther Gerber hall Madison and sixth street Lakewood, NJ 8:30 pm-Vort:Hachosson Eliezer Gluestien To Kallah Roberg at Zichron Shnuer...
View ArticleLakewood Election Live Results
2017 General Election November 7, 2017To see Live Lakewood election results click HEREPhil Murphy to be New Jersey’s next governorTownship Committee HERELakewood BOE...
View ArticleVAAD Endorsed Murphy but 5,563 vote for Guadango who lost by only 41 votes in...
The silver lining.The Vaad endorsed Phil Murphy who won the Governor race in NJ. Murphy got 5,604 votes in Lakewood Guadango got 5,563 only 41 vote difference not counting absentee the BOE...
View ArticleLow Voter Turnout
Some interesting stats from the Ocean County Clerk website:In the BMG Herzka voting district 27 there are 3,300 registered voters only 182 votes were cast in the Governors race that's a 5.52 % voter...
View ArticleHow Lakewood voted in the Gov Race
District# registered voters Votes cast Turnout percent Murphy-GuadangoLakewood District 01 1183221 18.68 % 136 - 59Lakewood District 02 999182 18.22 % 114 -...
View ArticleAn Emboldened Vaad Defiant after Elections
After running unopposed the vaad doubled down in its arrogance ignoring the plight of thousands of Lakewood residents who dont feel they have their best interests in mind. The Vaad decided that the...
View ArticleLeil Shishi at Gourmet Glatt canceled by Rabbonim
After pressure from Rabbonim the Leil Shishi event at Gourmet Glatt Lakewood has been canceled. It was initially a for men only event and closed for bochurim. Composer Yossi Green and Singer Shlomo...
View ArticleTonight: Lakewood Committee Meeting expected to Adopt the Master Plan
Back to Buisness after election committee will vote on the master plan. -AGENDALAKEWOOD TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE MEETING November 8, 2017 7:30 PMThese two ordinances were added today7. Ordinance Of The...
View ArticleOif Simchas Lakewood November 8, 2017
-Vort: Hachosson Yissocher Lampert to Kallah Nechama Chapler Bas R' Aron at Khal Ner Dovid 14th Street and Tanglewood 7:30 pm-Chasuna: Steiger- Gutterman Neemas Hachaim hall Bais Tova-Chasuna: Wegh-...
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