Hearing for kelmwoods BM in Westgate Tomorrow
The hearing is rescheduled for Tuesday night Feb. 2nd at 7:15 PM in the municipal building on 3rd Street. It is imperative that we all come and show support for this most important cause. Please see...
View ArticleParlor meeting
A parlor meeting tonight for Mishpachas Ehrlich from Yerushalayim who lost both parents BH a child is engaged and they need money for hachnosas kallah. Taking place at Madison Manor 4th and madison...
View ArticleAudio: Outsiders weigh in on Lakewood issue
Scroll to minute 35:50 Talkine With Zev Brenner Rechnitz Yeshiva Rejection Proposal- Zvi Gluck,Yair Hoffman, Simon Jacobson by Zevbrenner on MixcloudOne of the guests wrote this about Lakewood in...
View ArticleBDE
With great pain and sadness we regret to inform you of the tragic passing of our dear friend Tzviki Levin A"H ben Rav Dovid Z'L. Levaya of Habachur Tzviki Levin A"H. Alumnus of Waterbury yeshiva...
View ArticlePlanning Board agenda
. PLAN REVIEW ITEMS*1. SP 2159 Congregation Kehillas Hearthstone Hearthstone Drive Block 428.01, Lot 1Preliminary and Final Major Site Plan for a building addition2. SP 2161 TJ Realty Enterprise, LLC...
View ArticleSupper from GG
The only thing you need to prepare for dinner tonight is the oven. With this stuffed and seasoned turkey, dinner time could not be easier. Your family will wonder how you had time to make such a...
View ArticleLakewood School district posts safe walking videos ahead of courtesy busing end
The Lakewood school district posted a series of safety walking videos and skills for safely walking to school on its website. None of these tips discuss actual Lakewood road. With courtesy busing is...
View ArticleMore on the speech
Audio: Rav Uren Reich drasha here. General discussion here The Yiddish tribune magazine covers the speech delivered to the ihr haTorah Lakewood about kids not being accepted into schools as the topic...
View ArticleAddressing dina demalchusa awareness in Monroe
Matzav- Lakewood Committeeman Reb Meir Lichtenstein Addressing A Dina D’malchusa Asifa In Monroe, NY, To Raise Awareness Regarding Government Programs And The Law
View ArticleLegislation expands the ability for nonpublic schools to open state approved...
New Jersey - - - Agudath Israel commends New Jersey State Assemblyman Sean Kean for introducing legislation that expands the ability for nonpublic schools to open state approved child care centers....
View ArticleThe super ads
Some of the Lakewood newspapers have published advertisements of specials catering for Superbowl parties this Sunday. Its not the first time, as these ads were already running previous years. Some...
View ArticleIs DPW ready for 2 snow storms
Forecasts for tomorrow morning are showing that there could be an inch or two of snow in Monmouth, Ocean, Burlington, and southern counties. A storm system moving up the East Coast could bring up to 3...
View ArticleBOE - Courtesy busing to end on Feb 26th
The Lakewood Board of Ed has sent letters to all students in Lakewood informing parents that courtesy busing will end on February 26th, 2016. Lots can happen from now to then but the township is...
View ArticleSnow updates erev shabbos Feb 5th
*CHECK YOUR ERUV Many strings have snapped due to heavy snow*-Heavy traffic all around town Pine street area a mess.-Buses are rolling all schools have regular schedule with transportation-Somerset...
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